Where am i? (chapter 2)

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Ghost of a Rose POV:

I woke up as I looked around to see where the hell I was. I didn't recognize this place at all. It smelled like blood. Someone grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A new killer in a household," the man spoke to me. He wore a mask that looked like it had lipstick on it. I could smell the cigarette smoke coming from him. He let go of my face, as I wasn't going to speak to the man. He couldn't force me, right?

"Either you talk and answer our questions, or we force them out of you. Brian gets the knife," said the masked man, looking at the man in the beige hoodie. It seems like I had no choice but to speak.

"Wait, I'll talk, but no knives, and get yourself gum; your breath smells like cigarettes, and it's disgusting." I have no idea why I said the last part was true. His breath smelled like cigarettes, and I hated it so much.

"Listen here, lady Jane, we don't like people like you talking all that shit to you." The masked figure was cut off from someone else talking. I assume that was Brian.

"Timothy, shut up. We are only asking her personal questions so the boss can have them in his folder," Brian said as he was trying to fix the light above us as it stayed off. "Fuck, it seems like we are going to need Mason again for this shit." That was when Brian walked above the stairs, and it was quite. Me and the guy to whom Brian had said his name, Timothy, just looked at each other, not speaking. After a few minutes, Brian brought the kid I saw in the woods alone. The kid's name is Mason, I guess. I looked at Mason. His eyes were glowing both green and blue to light up the room.

"So I'm being used as a flashlight?" I heard Mason ask Brian, and Brian nodded and gave Mason some candy, letting Mason eat it.

"Alright, first question. What's your name?"Timothy asked me as I didn't respond, "Listen, woman, you better answer or your neck is slit open." Timothy held the knife against my neck as I looked at him.

"Fine, fine. My birth name or the name people call me by?" I asked, looking at him.

"Both dipshit" The man asked as he looked at me; he didn't seem to be happy with me.

"My name is Rosie Willow. People call me Ghost of a Rose, although" I responded.The man set his knife down as he looked at me.

"Alright, Rose, what is your birthdate? The boss will need it for a reason."He asked if he didn't seem to understand why their boss needed their birthdate.

"May seventeenth, nineteen-ninety-eight," I responded as I gave him a pissed look. I wasn't too fond of people asking my birthdate."

"Alright, so what's with the marshmallow white skin and orange eyes? You're dead or something like that?" He asked as these questions started getting personal.

"Well, I have ghost syndrome."

"Elaborate what the fuck ghost syndrome is," he had asked. He set his knife in his pocket as he continued looking at me.

"Ghost syndrome is when your skin doesn't look human and your eyes are human-like. We are called 'ghosts'. We are more white than a pale person, as we necessarily don't look human. We also have a streak of another color in our hair, as I have a dark grayish-purplish color in my hair. We are naturally born like this," I responded.It's true, as I have ghost syndrome myself.

"Now what are you doing in these woods?"

I didn't respond. I had forgotten why I was in the woods.

"You gonna answer me? Why were you in these woods?"

It had taken me a minute to respond to the question.

"To escape the other humans, as I killed a few on my way here. I wish for no more questions from you now," I responded as I hated him so far. These questions stink at what these silly, shitty questions are. I despise these questions and him.

"Now tell us about your backstory."

I didn't respond to him. I didn't like mentioning it or talking about it.

"Are you going to talk, or do I have to force it out of you?" He looked at me and sounded more and more annoyed by me. I didn't care at this point. I heard the kid speak up.

"Maybe we should let her say when she is ready? It would be nice, right, Mr. Brian?" The kid spoke as he looked up at Brian.

"Fine, Mason, but you better hope Tim doesn't lose his temper with it." Brian spoke to the kid. His name is supposed to be Mason. I'll make a note of that. Soon after, I was untied and let go.

"You're staying with us, Rose."I'll show you around." Hoodie spoke to me as he grabbed my hand to show me around the building. You saw so many other people. Other killers like me. There were children, teens, and even adults here. People who have gone missing or are wanted are right here under one roof. I was taken up to the third floor of the mansion, where I was shown to my room. My room was empty. I assume I'm going to have to get everything for it.

"Here is your room, rose. Decorate it any way you like; we don't care. Enjoy your stay, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or Tim. I already showed you where mine and Tim's office are." Brian smiled as he walked away. I went in as I started decorating and putting my room together. I had vines on the rails of the bed and the headboard of the bed. I even put roses and vines around the room corners, so this room looks less bland and boring. I set up my own desk and flower pot. It looked amazing, as I loved the transformation of what was once a boring room into a lovely nature room with vines, moss, and roses. I changed into something more comfortable than my long green dress. I changed into a black nightgown as I put my hair into a bun. I was too tired at this point. I slipped my high heels off and took my rose-flower crown off. I'm still surprised it still glows. I climbed into the bed and put the covers on as I lay down, trying to sleep. I fell asleep, not knowing or even caring what time it was at all. I was comfortable in my bed, and that's all I needed to know.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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