🌧️~ '| Rain, private doctor|' ~🪟

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>Ah, rainy days, who doesn’t love them? Well, Subspace doesn’t. He finds them annoying, drop by drop making his perfect creations soaked up in water, leading
to malfunctions. That's what he's doing now, fixing Biograft#10, which was a cleaner from outside before the rain started.

In any case, the  pink four horned demon had to go to a phight today, unfortunally, that Biograft had to wait. He grabbed his backpack filled with fumes and crystals and went in the metro, aswell with another Biograft and Hyperlaser, which was as silent as always.

When the metro stopped, every Blackrock demon stepped out to the battlefield. Today’s map was DoomSprite, which Subspace loved since he could attack Medkit and release his phiniser under the bridge, which vacums everyone.

The rain didn’t stop, that meant that the floors were going to be slippery and wet, which made Subspace chuckle in the tought of another demon slipping to his trap mines.

The teams were choosen randomly. Subspace was with Katana, Hyperlaser, Slingshot, him and... Medkit. Ah, the euphoria went throught Subspace’s rotting veins as he eyed Medkit which seemed tired and miserable, which only made Subspace smirk grow more.

Eventually, the phight started and everyone started attacking, carefully due to the rain and of course, Subspace aswell. Yelling at Medkit to heal him every time he got the littlest wound, Medkit in the other hand ignored him and only healed him when necesary to win.

Their team eventually was winning by 2 kills, until Subspace felt a sharp pain in his mouth. He felt the rot and cavities grew depper as he groaned and shakily tried to put more mines around. Eventually he setted 5 trap mines before going around the stairs and hidding, taking his mask off, revealing a rotten jaw with sharp unhuman teeth. There was saliba everywhere aswell as pain, a lot of pain.

Subspace groaned and cleched his phist tight as he peeked over to see his team was loosing already, which meant he had to go back to phight. He putted his mask on and with sufferement, he charged his phinisher aswell as Hyperlaser, which they made a great combo.

; “ Don't steal my kills! ” Subspace yelled as he could at Hyperlaser that was above, which he gave a thumbs up. Medkit was staring at Subspace before teleporting and healing him, going to throw a healing crystal to Katana that was beating Boombox.

; “Awh Meddy! ”

; “ Don't think ill do that too much. ” Medkit hissed, focusing back on healing.

The rain got harder, but that didn't mind most of the demons since they brought an umbrella mid phight.

Eventually, their team won. Subspace, with an agonizing jaw pain went back stage from the flipside crew, to a more far away corner where most demons didn't look. He took off the mask and whinned in pain as he touched his mouth, just to flinch. God, what he would do to have one of the test crystals Medkit did back when he worked there, just to heal this agonizing pain.

Altought Subspace has a high pain tolerance, this was too much as he had to sit down, holding to the wall slowily as he sitted, his vision was going blurry as more pink saliba came out of his mouth. His breath was agitated and eventually, he fainted on the floor, the rain pouring on him.


Medkit was walking around, searching for his coat around the backstage as Valk and Dom were chatting with more demons. He eventually spotted something, not his jacket, but Subspace, lying on the floor, breathing rapidly.

SUBKIT ONESHOTS!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora