Sparks of a Flame

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"What do you mean by that, Gwenor?" he asked her, trying to get near her but she only moved farther away from him. Why was she doing this? "Gwenor, answer me, please."

  "You don't need me," she asserted in matter-of-fact, and stared right into his eyes. "You don't even love me."

  For some time he only stared back at her, quite shocked from her declaration. Did she possibly not see it? Did she not see how he was coming out of his skin for her? Everything he could only see, think about, and want was her. She was the sole reason he found this life worth living. Knowing that she was in this world, no matter where, as long as she was happy, was entirely enough for him.

  Suddenly she began to smile and cry simultaneously. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never felt this way before. When it comes to you Aurelius I'm like a devastated orphan who is dying of the need to love and be loved. All I can think about is you and these emotions that are..."

  Before she could finish her sentence, he firmly grabbed her chin, directed her face towards his, and stared down hungrily at her plum lips, dying to kiss them till they wore swollen from his kisses. He had his arm pull her close to him and the other wipe away her tears.

  "Oh Gwenor, you'll be the death of me," he confessed, seeing her smile like a child and toss her head behind, scattering her blond curls all over his arm and revealing to his lustful gaze her long slender throat. He bend down to kiss it, slightly biting the soft skin and watching it turn pink before he would gently lick the sensitive spot and hear her moan out of pleasure. 

  "Is that what you fear?" she questioned him once she straightened up and looked up into his eyes, brushing her fingers through his hair. "Dying because of me?"

  "I do not fear dying because of you, Gwenor, or for you," he stated with the fullest sincerity, feeling his heart pound mightily against her breasts. "I am afraid of losing you."

  Her innocent, curious eyes lighted up at what he said and searched his with the greatest display of love and affection in them. "You will never lose me. Do you hear that?"

  "I do, Gwenor," he said, leaning in closer to kiss her when she said. "Please, make love to"

  At hearing that, Aurelius immediately knew that this night had already gone too far. He couldn't bed Gwenor here and now. It wouldn't be right. 

  "What is it?" she asked, noticing in him hesitation.

  "Gwenor... we can't do this," he said, turning away from her. 

  She watched him recede, returning to the earlier confinements of his room. "First of all, tell me," she commanded, "who is it that you are afraid of? My father or Ruther?"

  "Of both," he admitted. "I can't have myself bed you. I serve you, Gwenor."

  "And so if you do, then I tell you to make love to me right now."

  He looked at her, disappointed by her words.

  "If you love me, Aurelius, like I love you, I want us to have this moment to make love together. Why can't you understand that?"

  "I understand that," he cried out angrily and banged the wall with his fist, shocking Gwenor. "I'm sorry," he said, trying to get himself together. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. I just don't know what to do about all this..."

  She slowly approached him, put her arms securely around him, and rested her head upon his shoulders, feeling his hands enclose hers. "I just love you, Aurelius, not for who you've been or for who you may think you are, but for who you really are because I truly know  you."

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