S1:E18: "A Mother, A child, And a Blue Man's backside.

Começar do início

Everyone cringed as he ran off to the shower.


Sheldon began looking for jobs and after being rejected from radio shack he tried his grandmother who gave him the job of managing her garden. Meanwhile Georgie "tidied" his room by hiding all his crap behind the door and Missy watched TV which kept getting interrupted by Tornado warnings. Y/n actually helped Georgie tidy his room. She wore some gloves in the process.

Missy: Not again.
Mary: What's wrong, baby?
Missy: I'm trying to hear about duck season and wabbit season, but they keep talking about this stupid tornado.
TV: The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch for the following counties: Angelina...

And that was it. Everyone rushed into the bathroom after the tornado alarm with Sheldon, Missy and Mary getting in the tub, Connie hiding in the shower and Y/n and Georgie were by the toilet with Georgie holding her to his chest to try and calm her shaking body.

Sheldon: Mom? I'm scared!
Mary: It's gonna be okay.
George: Georgie! Help me get this in front of the window.
Georgie: On it. Is this my bed?
George: Yeah.
Georgie: Aw, it took me an hour to make it.
Connie: You okay, Moonpie?
Sheldon: I'm all right.
Georgie: I'm not.
Y/n: This is scary.
We're gonna be fine. This'll blow through in a few minutes.
Missy: I need to pee.
Mary: Can you hold it, baby?
Missy: We'll find out.

The lights went out and Georgie and Y/n clung to each other harder.

Sheldon: I'm not all right anymore!
George: Flashlights, guys!
Georgie: What if it hits us and we all die? How are we gonna get married?
Y/n: That's what you're thinking about right now?
Connie: It's not gonna hit us! I might hit you. But first, I'm gonna hold you.

Connie rushed over and held onto the two teenagers.

Mary: In the name of Jesus, I place a hedge of protection around this house and my family. I command this storm to skip over our home in Jesus' name. I wish peace to every single person in this room and declare that not one of us will get hurt in this storm, in Jesus' name!
Sheldon: Pray harder!
Mary: Okay.

Luckily the tornado didn't damage their home and most their neighbourhood. However, Y/n was still unsure about her home. After checking Connie's home was okay, she turned to everyone.

Y/n: I should probably get home. See if everyone's okay...
George: I'll take you.
Georgie: I'm coming.

Her house was okay but no one was home. It set her on edge. She tried calling her mom's work but to no avail. Her brother's office... nothing. Her other brother's work...

Alex: Hey, this is Alex.
Y/n: It's Y/n, you okay?
Alex: Yeah all good here. Heard from Brian? Got off the phone with Mom not too long ago.
Y/n: No I tried calling his office but nothing.
Alex: Don't sweat it. Why don't you see if the Cooper's will let you sleep round tonight? You'll definitely feel safer there then at home. You bunkered with them right?
Y/n: Yeah, I did.
Alex: Good. Did that scare you?
Y/n: Yeah... wasn't expecting it to be so bad.
Alex: I'll pick you up tomorrow and we'll do something together, alright? See if that helps.
Y/n: Okay see you tomorrow.

She put the phone down and turned to Georgie and George.

Y/n: Is it okay if I stay around yours tonight?
George: Of course, go get your stuff, we'll meet you outside.
Georgie: I'm gonna go make sure she brings some of my stuff back with her.
George: You have some of your stuff here?
Georgie: She goes home in it! And then keeps it!
George: You sure you're not together?
Georgie: I think I'd know.
George: You sure?

George asked doubtfully as he watched his eldest son march up the stairs to Y/n's room.

Y/n: I almost didn't see you then.
Georgie: Came to get some of my stuff back- like this hoodie- and that one! Seriously woman? I didn't even know you had this one.
Y/n: Sorry... I have a bad habit, I admit. They're just always... there when you're not. It's comforting in a way.
Georgie: I can see how I'm very comforting.
Y/n: Just put them in that bag and I'll take them out when we get to yours.
Georgie: You know what? Keep em. Look better on you than me anyway. But this means you don't need anymore!
Y/n: Okay... thanks, Georgie.
George: Anything for you, future wife.
Y/n: You're serious about that?
George: Hey! Happy wife, happy life!
Y/n: Okay future husband. Let's go home.

Older Sheldon: Once again, I find this amusing as they called each other that for months without knowing that only 5 years later it would be true! If you forgot, they got married at 19. Is that a spoiler? Oops.


Hey it's author again. Im happy to announce that I'm starting a discord sever for all my books and especially this one. It goes live tomorrow night and the launch party is on the 15th! Please join, I'd love to speak to you all and hear what you think of these books! Celebrating the first 5 days of the server I will be posting a chapter of this book everyday.

See you tomorrow 🤭

Georgie Cooper x reader (YS episodes) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora