4| Finally back at Hogwarts again

Start from the beginning

Isabella: Wait a second. Before I tell you what I said again. Did you just call me Izzy after I just called you my lonely eyes.

You called me lonely eyes. I didn't hear you say that. Anyway I'm sorry for just calling you Izzy and not my little angel.

Isabella: It's ok my lonely eyes. What is wrong and again I ask you what took you so long to get to the carriages.

What's wrong is the same reason I took so long to get here. I was getting off the train and bumped into someone I looked up to apologize but before I could apologize to the person they apologized first. I already know by that look on your face that you want to know who I bumped into. It was a girl. Actually it was a new girl and before you ask. It's not a first year girl. She actually looked like she was about our age and could be in fourth year like us.

Isabella: Oh how cool! I wonder if she is going to be a Slytherin. It would be nice to have another girl in the group. Pansy and me are out numbered by you guys. Did you happen to get her name.

That would be nice if we had another girl in the group. Not to make you mad but it would be great if she and Crabbe got to know each other and maybe eventually get together. I'm not saying that I hate that he is dating your sister. I just don't think I want your sister to be hanging out with our group because she is two years older than us and I get the feeling she is happy that we are finally together but she gives me this feeling like she doesn't trust me. I'm so sorry for all this information about how I feel about your sister. Oh I almost forgot to tell you her name. She is Ambarella Barlowe.

Isabella: It's ok Draco. I'm not sure if I'm fully onboard with my sister and crabbe dating yet either. On one hand I'm happy she has someone who will love her but on the other hand I don't think they should be dating because like you said she is two years old then him. She only has this year and next year then she's done with school. I'm afraid that if they don't get to see each other as much when she isn't going to school here anymore one of them might fall for someone else and the other one will get their heart broken. If crabbe brakes Laylas heart because he found someone else I will be furious with him and might not talk to him for a while. If it's Layla who brakes crabbes heart I will be frustrated with her for playing with my friends feelings. In both situations I don't know who's side I should take. If Layla's heart gets broken by crabbe and I take her side crabbe will be mad at me. Though if it's the other way around and crabbes heart is broken and I take his side Layla will be mad at me so either way someone is mad at me. All we can do right now is be supportive friends and just trust that they know what's best for them.

  I didn't know you were feeling that way about Crabbe dating your sister. I'm here if you need to talk about it. Also you're right. Us being supportive of their relationship is the best thing we can do.

Isabella: Thanks Draco for always being here for me. So back to that girl you bumped into. Her name sounds familiar to me. Ambarella Barlowe... Barlowe sounds like a last name I've heard before. I wish I could remember where I've heard that name before.

Narrator: They were lost in conversation that they didn't notice that the carriages have been moving for little bit. They didn't talk to each other for the rest of the ride in the carriage to the castle. Isabella was thinking of where she heard that name from. While Draco was thinking of why he said that he was focused on the pretty girl standing in front of him. He think to himself.

Draco you could have said something else,anything else would have worked. What were you thinking?

Narrator: They make it to the Hogwarts castle and Isabella,pansy,Goyle and crabbe all get out of the carriage but Isabella notices that Draco is still sitting in the carriage. Draco is to distracted to notice that there at the Hogwarts castle.

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