Chapter 5: Making a First Impression

Start from the beginning

Phil and I got to our seats as we followed in to Thea's lessons. I then looked around to see if I could spot anyone that could resemble Don and Sophie. However, I did spot a familiar group of faces and boy was it a crazy sight. I saw five mousettes that had familiar hair designs, long black braided hair, one red auburn hair with a Stetson cowboy hat, one with brown curly hair, one with gorgeous blonde hair, and one with long black straight hair. They all turned each other's faces to each other whispering as I got a clear image of what they looked like. Indeed they were. Never had I thought I'd see the day we would see, the five and only, Thea Sisters.

I was so surprised and shocked that both Phil and me were in Thea Stilton's class with the five Thea Sisters. In my mind it's mixed with somewhat excitement, or this can't be real, I mean these five, are somewhat amazing in their own way. However, I still had some doubts based on a few personal reasons. Most of it is really sad and tragic but all of this can be thoroughly explained to my teammates. 

Seriously did I have a lot of questions, but before I could answer or figure them out, I was still caught up in the lecture with Thea Stilton as the instructor. Teaching us about how to use reporting instincts at the right moment. Somehow this class was going to be a lot easier than I thought, because me and my friends have explored on our own mysteries before meeting each other in college. Using my researcher skills, I put my skills to the test as I answered many questions as I can.

"First Question: What year was the time Norway was founded, and which particular warrior do we know of today lived back then during the Bronze Age?" Professor Stilton asked.

Most of the students were still thinking about it carefully knowing that this could be a future assignment they could be working on. I was feeling a bit worried that if Phil and I fail the classes, we could be kicked out of the school, but somehow a lightbulb came off in my head.

I remembered I somehow studied a lot of information with Sophie in our own library when looking up the history of the kraken during our most recent case so I decided to do the question. I raised my hand, er paw, in response to the question.

Thea was impressed how as one of the new students I was willing to answer the question, she picked me.

"Norway first began near the end of the Ice Age in 9000 BC, but this was way before the farming and crops started. Before that happened, it was completely a tundra desert." I spoke.

Professor Stilton was satisfied by how I answered it as well as much as the class. The five girls that I saw earlier had their eyes fixated on me.

Phil also participated in the questions the professor gave us as somehow the students were becoming either amazed or jealous at our performance. 

"That's right, in fact the Vikings first settled there not only in Normandy, but also in Dublin and tried to raid various parts of Western Europe." Phil said as he stood up coming to my aid with facts. I smiled at him for helping me out as Thea applauded to us both, soon the class clapped and even the five Thea Sisters applauded to us too. The five girls noticed us as I saw all five of their faces. Man, has it been a long time since I've seen their faces from the books and now right in front of me in person! Well in mice, ach, you get the idea. I winked at them telling them that it was no problem, as few of the girls like Paulina, Nicky, and even Collette blushed a bit. 

Soon we all sat back down in our seats as we heard from our instructor again.

"Exceptional job! Why don't we let someone else than you two mice answer this question about interviewing the locals in a foreign country." Professor Stilton asked.

Phil and I were silent as one of the five mouslettes I recognized raised their paw. It was the one with the pink jacket and blonde hair, who almost had the same color skin as me and Phil.

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