Chapter 3: Unveiling

Start from the beginning

A voice message then popped up as a male's voice rang out,

"1 2 3.. hello? Zephyr, you there?"

"Ah, right on time Dr.Ratio. I've collected the blood membrane of 'World's Unsung Void' designated number 19455 as you requested."

"As quick and responsive as always. 50 points"

"I've wrapped the item at the location you had previously requested."

"Well all due sincerity, you have my utmost gratitude for the favour Zephry."

"I was curious why did you want-"

The call ended with Dr.Ratio getting what he desired and Zephyr having his perplexing questions. Zephyr sighed as he cursed under his breath how the so called 'geniuses' of the universe acted. All high and mighty and yet the aeon of knowledge 'Nous' hadn't even batted them an eye in centuries.

"As the saying goes, The wise will stay ignorant of moral norms and the normal folks are left to imagine the wide scope of their plan.."

Zephyr sighed as he himself had a personal mission to do. He looked at the countless messages sent by the crew asking when he would return for the mission but the urge to reply didn't arose in him. Perhape it was due to the fact he lied to them about the mission. He never truly intended to go with the other members but it surprised him how quickly they completed the job. A gentle smile arose his pale face as his platinum eyes shifted to a warmer shade of grey.

"The crew is in good hands...."

Soon a rift in space time cracked open and soon closed with Zipe being the only thing entering it.

At The Astral Express;

"Uh! Where is that guy??"

"Calm down March, Zephyr is a busy man maybe he got entangled in another job?"

Himeko would try to calm the enraged march from causing more ruckus. The team consisting of Stelle, Dan Heng and March had finished their trailblaze mission on Belobog three days prior and were waiting for Zephry's arrival to head off to the Xianzhou Luofu.

But after days of waiting Zephyr didn't return and it seemed as though he didn't mean to return, not anytime soon. Soon a long notification rang out in the Astral Express's inbox. Pom Pom went over and opened the mail box to find an video format tape sent by none other than Zephyr.

"What is it Pom Pom?" Asked Stele

"Uh.. A video tape from Zephyr"

"oh? Let me see!" March would take the tape out of pom pom's hands and start playing the video.


Zephyr can be seen trying to adjust the screen while he'd fix his hair. 

"Ahem ahem, Mic testing... 1,2,3... aight guess it works. Hey there guys, it's your one and only Zephyr. I know I had made a promise to go on a mission with you guys but some 'troubling' problems have arose due to which I can't accompany you to the 'Land of The Hunt'. I know I had promised you that I would come and I'm sorry for leading you to false hope. Hope you can under my current situation...."

Suddenly the video gets corrupted with the audio completely glitching in and out. While the rest of the crew are at dismay at what is going on Welt and Himeko seem to be listening intensively even though the audio seems corrupt.  

"Now that's out the way... Welt and Himeko, I need you to hear what i say from now on very carefully as this tape will be destroyed after it's done. The audio is corrupted for anyone else other than you two so don't worry about info leakage. After the mission on Xianzhou Luofu, you will receive a personal invitation from 'the family' inviting you to Penacony's  'Charmony Festival'. Accept it, but from the moment you set foot in that place make sure to keep your guard up at all times. Don't make the foolish mistake of trusting anyone that you meet there, it's a big enticing trap. A trap that might lead to our demise. To avoid that outcome, I need you to......"

After 5 minutes the tape self evaporates leaving the crew confused and bewildered. 

"What the hell was up with the last segments of the tape?" March to question still confused on all the data that was left hidden from her.

"Seems like it was corrupted before it reached up" Dan Heng in his ever so calm and calculated voice analysed the tape and it was without a doubt self corrupted by Zephyr himself but why?

"That's the most reasonable approach to this situation." Welt conformed withholding the actual contents of the audio.

"But why would be do that?" Stelle asked in a confused manner as all this seemed too 'superficial'

"Why general perspective the contents in the tape seemed to be corrupted by Zephyr himself as it cuts off right after the apology but why would be go to such lengths just to send us a corrupted tape that we can't even decipher?" Dan Heng would question the reason behind why Zephyr would try to do such an uncharacteristic act.

"I highly doubt that Zephyr would corrupt his own record as he has never been the type to withhold information from the crew. We might just be overthinking this and the corrupted audio can be the by-product of the source transducer malfunctioning." Himeko would divert the topic to a false conclusion seeing at it was fit not to reveal the information at the current moment.

"Miss Himeko does have a point..." Dan Heng would be swayed by Himeko's wordings.

"Alright crew, if Zephyr can't be on the trip then we need to hurry to the next destination. Seat in your seats and prepare for interstellar jump!" Pom Pom's voice would ring out arose the train informing the crew for the upcoming events.

IPC Headquarters;

"Mister 'Note', I've called them here as you requested." 

"Ah thank you for your kind gesture Diamond, I do apologize for the sudden and uninformed intrusion on your base in such a late hour. But, I need to discuse an important manner with you lot."

"An important matter? It's been so long since we have had a chat and you go straight to business without even greeting us. How so heart-breaking~" 

"Sigh, Aventurine I would love to have a chat but the time is ticking and the greatest orchestra of unspoken magnitude is about to unveil very soon."

"Then please do continue.."

"Jade, as always you know how to get things done. That's what I like bout' you"

"Uh, How is flirting involved with any of the upcoming information?"

"Topaz, You need not be so harsh..."

"Note, I have an important meeting soon can you please hurry it up?" Diamond requested while checking the lost time during the chit chat.

"In 125 system hours, the IPC will receive a personal invitation to the upcoming Charmony festival... It is then when I want 'us' to reclaim the prison that now withholds dreams of millions."


To Be Continued!

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