Star tisks.

Star- "Why bother venting to me if you're just going to keep throwing excuses at me??"

Mel- "You weren't there! You don't even know how bad the situation got."

Star sighs.

Star- "Yeah, you're right....But I still think you should've lied.."

Mel takes a deep breath then takes a sip of his water.

Mel- "Yeah....But I just couldn't go through with it.."

Star- "At this rate....You'll never have the guts to tell (Y/N) how you really feel."

Mel rolls his eyes.

Mel- "That's different though.."

Star- "Is it really?? Because you literally watched a creep get so close to her right?"

Mel pauses.

Star- "Did you get in front of (Y/N) after that guy whistled at her?"



"Did you stand behind her to block her backside from that creep??"



"Did you report that guy to your boss?"



"Because if you didn't do ANY of those things."



"Then how can you expect (Y/N) to put her trust towards you?"

Mel lets out a deep sigh.

Mel- "Like I said, you weren't there....So you don't understand the situation even if I tell you."

Star sighs then takes a sip of her water.

Star- "Yeah.....I didn't mean to get harsh on you, but I honestly wouldn't want my best friend going out with someone if he can't protect her."

Mel nods.

Mel- "I get that, but you also don't know who I'm dealing with."

Star- "Why? Are they dangerous??"

Mel- "Something like that.."

Star- "Then call the police."

Mel chuckles.

Mel- "Its not that easy.."

Star lets out another sigh.

Star- "Whatever you say...."

Soon the waitress comes back and she gives them their food order, as well as their refills and their condiments.

Star- "Well I think we've spent enough time talking, lets just eat so we can get back to work."

Mel nods.

Mel- "Yeah...I have alot of work to do anyways.."

Star- "Are you going to call (Y/N) after the meeting??"

Mel- "I will when I get around to it, she doesn't have an assistant today so she'll probably have her hands full once she gets out."

Star- "Don't you guys get like back-up assistants if that ever happens??"

Mel nods.

Mel- "Usually yes, but (Y/N) just prefers to handle the day herself."

Star- "That sounds exhausting.."

The One They Call 'Villain' ~ Rindou HaitaniWhere stories live. Discover now