Chapter 29: First day with Gran Torino

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"You really have to be more attentive Izu" you groan to him, watching Gran Torino stand up wash the Ketchup off of him. 

"I was carrying a nice big plate of sausages covered in Ketchup when I accidentally tripped and fell down. Clumsy me." Gran Torino explained.

He was wearing his hero suit, his hero suit consisted of a white top and white pants with a yellow belt and a hooded cape with green button looking things on the collar, and huge yellow boots and gloves, and he had a black mask to top it off.

He was shorter then what you had imagined, and older, he looked like he could barely stand, well he practically couldn't considering that he's using a wooden cane to stand up. 

Not to mention his tone and voice, he sounded so elderly, a low and slightly raspy voice.

"Now who did you say you two were?" he said looking at you and Izuku.

Izuku's posture stiffened, "I'm Izuku Midoriya and I'm from U.A!" he exclaimed. 

"I'm Y/n L/n also from U.A"   

The old man just stared at the two of you, "Who?" he said again, you mentally did a face palm. 

"Izuku Midoriya!" Izuku said louder, "And Y/n L/n" you said again matching Izuku's tone. 

The old man still looking confused, "So what's your names" he said again, flashing a smile.

"Perfect, I take All Mights advice and do an internship with his old teacher just for him to be completely bonkers." you thought to yourself.

"Toshinori?" The man said randomly, still flashing that dumbfounded smile.

"Midoriya!" Izuku said again, this time you actually did a face palm, "And L/n!" you muffled as your palm was covering up your mouth. 

"Izuku" you whisper to him, "You gotta call All Might and let him know what state he's in" you whisper to him. 

Izuku nods, "Excuse me for a moment," Izuku says respectfully as he walks to another corner of the house, your attention remaining on the old hero as he slumped down on the floor and sat down.

Still flashing his dumbfounded smile, you inspected him, "there was no way this guy taught put so much fear in All Might, he can barely support his own body weight". You thought to yourself. 

The man started to dig in Izuku's hero suit briefcase, you didn't bother to stop him, what harm could he do. 

"Hey, UH, Wait, That's my stuff!" Izuku yelped in a panic. 

"Why don't you fire one of those one for all smashes at me." Gran Torino spoke, his tone more demanding. 

You and Izuku's demeanors both changed instantly. 

It was definitely surprising to hear him speak with so much bass all of a sudden, but All Might did mention that he knew the secrets of one for all.

"I wanna know how far you've come in the terms of handling it's power." he spoke again.

 "And you, I don't know much about your quirk since I've only seen it in action once, but what I do know is that you're capable of doing more with that quirk then just scream." he said pointing at you as he continued to look at Izuku's costume.

"What do you mean by that sir?" you ask politely.

"I mean that you haven't even touch the surface of your full potential" he finally turned to look at you. 

"This is a pretty nice costume. Now where's that attack?" he said asking again for Izuku to use one for all. 

"But..sir" Izuku said hesitantly, as the man turned his attention back on Izuku. 

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