Chapter 1: Unexpected Turbulance

Start from the beginning

"Well, it took a few tries, but I managed to get myself on the right track. Ready to go, Eleazar?" George asked, cutting Maxwell off as Professor Fig loaded the girl's luggage onto the carriage.

"I am, but it's probably best we continue this conversation once we are on our way to Hogwarts. You never know how keen people can be." Professor Fig murmured as George climbed into the carriage before the kids followed suit.

Within moments, the carriage lurched to life before taking to the sky, the passengers unaware that they were being followed.


The carriage creaked and swayed in the turbulent winds as the girl and Maxwell listened to Professor Fig and George talk.

"I'm so glad I caught you before you could head to Scotland." George chuckled.

"Just barely." Professor Fig smiled.

As the men continued to talk, the girl watched Maxwell, but she knew right away that his mind was elsewhere, prompting her to stay quiet.

"So who is your young charge here, Eleazar?" Maxwell heard George say once he looked away from the window.

Professor Fig nodded before gesturing to Maxwell. "This is Hogwarts' newest student. Maxwell Davis."

"New?" George blinked in surprise.

"Yes, sir. I am starting Hogwarts as a fifth-year student." Maxwell smiled.

"Well, what an amazing coincidence." George beamed before turning to the girl. "Miss Rebekah Cardinal here is starting Hogwarts as a fifth year as well."

"Extraordinary. Absolutely extraordinary." Fig mused.

As the men continued to reminisce about their years as students, Maxwell and Rebekah turned their attention to each other. Maxwell was on the verge of releasing the barrage of questions he had for her, but then something caught his eye.

"Have you seen this, Eleazar?" George asked, his voice serious.

Maxwell noticed a newspaper in the balding man's hand as a photo of a sinister-looking goblin glared back at him, sending ice through his veins. The text that was emblazoned around the photo made it even more chilling.

"Ranrok's Goblin Rebellion. Truth? Or Gobbledegook?"

"I have. Opinions differ on how much of a threat Ranrok truly is." Fig frowned.

"Ranrok?" Maxwell repeated.

"A goblin with very corrupt ideals. Especially towards wizards and the rest of humankind." Fig explained briefly.

"I believe he's a highly significant threat. Goblins are known to hone a kind of magic wizards and witches can't truly achieve so they can be a force to be reckoned with. I am hoping to convince my colleagues at the Ministry of Magic about him as soon as possible." The man then became solemn. "Eleazar, it was because of your wife...that I know about all of Ranrok's activities."

"Miriam?" Fig asked, his eyes widened at the mention of his late wife.

"Yes.....and she was Miss Cardinal's mentor for a while before....before she died."

"I see... she must be the student she mentioned in her letters towards the end..."

"I believe so. She was asked by the school faculty to help Rebekah hone her skills so she could keep up with the other students. If my guess is correct, considering this turn of events, the faculty placed young Maxwell under your watchful eye, yes?" George asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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