Chapter 1 : The ultimate reality of my dreams

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New York is a place of dreams everyone wants come to and work and become rich. Yes, the American dream.

I, Alessia Vermont, an Indian American woman strives the same dream.

Nobody tells you the hustle and the fast-paced life leaves a big dent on your emotional well-being and sleep patterns speaking of which... I am late again.

Why the fuck can't I wake up at 9.

Like what's the fucking problem, I don't exercise or do yoga which I know I should but for me lying on my squishy bumming bed is much healthier to my heart than waking up at 7 at putting my damn legs on the cold floor and walk to the very yoga mat and do exercise.

That's a lot.

I don't even make a breakfast for myself, I would want myself to have pancakes for the breakfast, I tried to do that, but eating is rather easy than cooking to eat.

So, I better skipped breakfast and directly jump into my social media to have some humour light up mood because that's what amount of happiness left in my life and then go straight up to bath and dress myself up.

But recently I have been waking up far late...yet again and I swear if I hear any damn kid crying in the morning, I am going to lose my mind and will do the Rambo dance straight on the streets of New York with literal no expressions and only anger for that damn crying kid.

Oh god. I hate kids.

Eleven is a huge rush. I have to reach soon to my publishing office, ‘Adora magazines’ before I am fired for being a lazy lady.

What a cute name, my boss Richard has given me.

I am not in my best outfit today, I hope not everyone notices, except her, I knew she would, she is my best friend of course.

Emma - this girl, I swear I would have fallen for her for a bit if I was not straight.

“Lazy lady, eleven huh, you know we a meeting in 5 minutes,” she spoke being amused.

“Don't call me that,” I frowned.

“And ouch! Which meeting are you talking about?” I say while I adjusts my heels and hit my finger with it.

What a fine day.

“Uh, Alessia please, don't tell me you don't know about the new team leader being introduced today to us after Max was fired.” She gives me a I am so done with you look.

Well, I completely forgot about it, I was well aware of Max being fired which he obviously deserved for laying his hands on every other woman in our office .

Our company got five team leaders and it was a lot hectic for me to lead his team along with mine for the hell last month, the number of sleepless nights I had because of all the silly calls on interviewing and publishing from his team almost transformed me into a zombie.

I deserve some incentive for that.

But now that a new team leader has arrived, I can sleep with all my favourite therapy bath with caesium salt and flower petals, sipping wine and feel like a rich boss bitch.

Which I am not.

I earn enough to continue my passion as my career but not enough to not look at the price tag before buying anything.

Except the boss in our company is yet another misogynist. Almost every man in our company is a misogynist except Forger who is such a sweetheart, thanks to his wife.

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