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Amani's pov
"Come correct when you approach me I can size you up" I sang to myself as I was chilling on the couch scrolling on Instagram with music playing low in the background

Because it's Sunday and Sundays are normally family day so I'm waiting for everybody to get ready "Amani we need to talk" I looked up from my phone when I heard someone's vice to see Payton

"Hey girl wassup sit down" she did and then looked at me for a second before saying "are you embarrassed of me" I looked at her weird "girl what are you talking about I love you what makes you think I'm embarrassed of you"

She huffed "last night before bed I was in little space and I asked von could I watch tv down here in my onesie with my snack and he told me no because you said we had to keep this stuff in our rooms" I shook my head

"No that's not what I meant I don't give a damn if you wanna be in little space in the middle of traffic I will hold up a stop sign and let you I just meant we have to stop like fucking around the house

And walking around half to fully naked because frantically I don't want my mom seeing me or my niggas naked I might pop a vain" she made an oh face "oh then what the fuck is he talking about"

I shrugged "I don't think I was specific so that was poor communicating on my part but if you wanna get into little space right now you can go out on your onesie and we can watch bluey"

Her face lit up but quickly changed and said "I can't von and Mir are taking us somewhere" oh shit I forgot "oh damn that's right well we can still watch bluey go get the remote" she smiled as she walked over to the mantle getting in

Then turning it on as she sat back on the couch and laid her head in my lap as I played with her hair and no before y'all say anything this isn't sexual or anything it's a comfort thing

"Hey sweetie what are y'all doing" I looked back to see my mom still in her pajamas and just said "watching cartoons with Poochie" she nodded then came over to sit next to us making Payton move closer to me

But I didn't care I know everybody don't like my mom so the faster I get her the fuck outta here the better "oh ok you look pretty where are you going" I huffed and looked at her asking all these fucking questions at 9am

"It's Sunday aka family day/date night so the whole house is gonna go on a date for the day" she smiled "oh shit let me get dressed" in which I looked at her funny "uhh nah this is not a you thing this is more of a couples thing

I can give you a few dollars though so you can find something to go do like get your hair or nails done" she looked sad but I didn't really care the whole house is already on edge so if I let her come on our date

I'm not gonna hear the end of it from anybody and who has time not me "oh I'm sorry I just got excited because I really don't have friends down here and I thought this would be a good opportunity for me to bone with you guys"

I nodded "No offense but they don't like you and are still trying to get use to you so this little family reunion you keep thinking that's gonna happen is gonna take some time" she sighed and nodded

"I understand well I better be getting back to my room and getting ready for the day" I nodded and waved to her but as soon as she wasn't in sight anymore payton said

"I know you don't really like your mom but did you have to be so mean mani" I shrugged "I don't owe her anything but my ass to kiss she's lucky I'm even letting her stay here and is talking to her as much as I am

Truth be told my inner child is just glad I'm getting my pay back she has to look at me everyday doing better than her"

*time jump*
"What are we doing at the club I thought you said we were going home bae" it's been a few hours and we have had a good day to say the least we went to an adult arcade and it was really fun

Then we ate some food now we are at Mir and vons club but it doesn't open for another like 3 hours "I mean shit me and von thought since we had such a good day why not end it off right" he said guiding us to the vip room

Sin just shook his head though "and we couldn't end the night off right at home because y'all know after I but I'm out for the count for the rest of the night" we all laughed knowing he wasn't joking

"I mean shit it's been clear as day that the energy in the house has been off and we have been uncomfortable to say the least so maybe if we fix

The problem here and have a little session we can take that energy home because this attitudes ain't the move y'all especially you" he said pointing to Nyah all the subs rolled their eyes because

A little back and forth happened between Nyah and von but it was short lived because truth be told the argument was about nothing Nyah is just more livid about the situation then everybody else

Causing herself to not wanna have sex or talk as much in the house so she's basically making herself suffer "I don't have a attitude" she said rolling her eyes and that made von walk up to her

"Is that so we'll miss I don't have an attitude why don't you just bed your ass over the bed"

You changed me Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ