Part 1

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As you stepped back into your house after a long day of traveling, you finally let go of the breath you had been holding in.

You had spent the summer in your hometown, catching up with family members and taking some well-deserved time off. Now you had returned back to the bustling reality of Liyue Harbor, back to your small apartment on Yujing Terrace.

' Oh, Y/n!!!'

You whipped your head around to the front door, which was being badly abused by whoever was on the other side. Before it could have been knocked off its hinges, you opened the door and were met by a person with purple and amber-coloured eyes and red horns.

'Ganyu! I missed you so much! You pulled the half-adeptus into a hug.

'Y/n...youre going to squeeze the life out of me' She strained, trying to playfully break free of your grasp. Once you had let go, Ganyu looked you up and down. 'What happened to you? '

'What do you mean what happened? I went home for a bit to relax, then came back. Nothing happened' you replied, confused. Sure, your acne had cleared up and your features had developed a bit, but nothing much had happened.

'Glow up much?'

Ohhhh. That explained a lot.

You had gotten a lot of strange looks after entering the front gates of Liyue, even the millelith standing guard at the entrance that you had befriended years ago didn't bother to address you. You had also passed a group of people you recognized from your college classes on the way to your apartment, and they were staring at you with wide eyes. Had you really changed that much?

'Anyways, what are your plans for this year? ' Ganyu asked.

'I'm going to take my time and soak up all of Liyue that I can, I'm going to take the akademiya entry exam next fall so I also need to study, and I'm going to spend time with my best friend.' Ganyu smiled at that. You had graduated from the Rex Lapis college of astrology and were planning to take the rtawahist track at the most famous university in all of teyvat. If you got in, that is.

You and Ganyu chatted for another 20 minutes before she had to leave. She still had lots of work to do for the liyue qixing, but you said you would meet at wanmin restaurant that evening.


Ganyu's POV:

Wow, y/n has really changed in the past few months. They look like a completely different person. The aura they give off is more...confident.

As I pondered their sudden changes, mentally and physically, while I was walking I crashed into someone and toppled over them.

'Oh my goodness I'm so sorry-' I opened my previously squeezed shut eyes to find the Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing staring up at me. I felt my face heat up and turn a deep shade of red as I scrambled off of her perfect- ahem what? 

As I got to my feet I cleared my throat and did a quick bow. 'My sincere apologies. I did not see you and the fault is completely mine.'

Keqing chuckled lightly and put her hand on my shoulder. I almost squeaked at the contact.

Its fine Ganyu, you're fine. This is definitely normal.

'Its fine Ganyu, no need to be so formal. While you're here though, is it okay if I give you a little job? That is, if you're not too busy...' Kequing looked me in the eyes, hopefully not noticing the fact that I felt and probably looked as red as a tomato.

'Um, yes! I can probably do what you need, just tell me and ill do what you need of me.'

'Oh, great! Could you go to the entrance to wangshu inn at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening? '

I agreed to the strange request, nodding my head as all the words I was trying to say seemed to be lodged in my throat. I thought that maybe I had to ask something of someone there, on the behalf of the Yuheng.


Y/n's POV:

*That evening*

You had freshened up after your encounter with Ganyu, as well as unpacked your extensive wardrobe, so you decided something a bit more formal was in order for a dinner with your best friend. The walk from your apartment to Wanmin restaurant was a short one. But you savored it all the same. This was why you had moved to Liyue, even at night the city was dazzling, the night market had been set up, many stalls selling grilled tiger fish or jewelry soup. That alone was making your stomach rumble. You hadn't eaten proper food for days.

Sooner or later, you had arrived at Wanmin restaurant, the familiar scent of spicy and sweet foods making your mouth water as your feet automatically dragged you towards the smell of typical Liyue cuisine. As your eyes wandered you spotted Ganyu frantically waving at you, gesturing to the seat opposite hers that was reserved for you.

When you were sat down you continued your conversation with Ganyu as if you had seen each other minutes before;

'Y/n! Love the outfit by the way, very stylish. Guess what!'

A grin spread on your face as you encouraged her to spill the tea 'What is it?'

'So, I was running some errands for the Qixing right? And you'll never guess what happened... ' Ganyu then proceeded to tell you all about her encounter with Keqing, not sparing any details.  'The best part is is that she ACTUALLY asked me if it was okay to do the task! No one has ever asked me that before!' The Adeptus had a massive giddy grin, you could practically see the lovehearts in her eyes.

You chuckled. Ganyu had always had a huge crush on the Yuheng, but she had never plucked up the courage to do anything about it, that was when it had become your life's mission to nudge the ship so it would sail. You continued to plot and plan for the rest of the evening, all while a certain chef watched you from the kitchen...


I think I'm getting my motivation back woooooooooooooooooooooooo

I have been procrastinating about this book for a while and I think ive got the plot straight???? for the next two chapters lmao

Honestly tho i made a pinterest board for this book and it is complete and utter chaos.

Remember to drink water and eat food <3

Ellie xx

p.s pls tell me what u guys think of this fanfic its just an idea

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