Chapter 7: Betrayal

Start from the beginning

I said goodbye and hung up the phone.  I thought I knew what made me happy, my job and Owen.  If Leah hadn't said anything at Beth's dinner party I know I still would've thought that.  Leah changed me.  I now know that I was falling in love with her, whether I wanted to or not.  That love was inevitable, no matter how far I pushed us away from that. 


I went into Arsenal the next day.  I texted Leah saying I would sit out of her sessions again, until we were both ready to talk about what happened.  She agreed thinking it would be the best for both of us.  My professor was confused but didn't say anything.  He told me later that Leah was having more personal troubles, which she only felt comfortable telling him, so it was nothing against me, although I knew it was because of me. 

The week passed by.  Then another week, and another.  Nothing changed between me and Leah in those three weeks.  We weren't talking, we never apologized, I couldn't think of the words to say to her, I was hoping she felt the same. 

Soon it was a month since that dreadful night.  Leah and I still haven't talked and have been avoiding each other.  I was still with Owen, and I was happy, but everything was still so confusing. 

It was Saturday, I switched shifts with one of my coworkers which ended with me having the night off.  I had another night to myself.  I still hung out with the Arsenal girls, it was just becoming more rare.  They were Leah's people and I had only known them for three months, it was only fair if I took a step back from that side of my life. 

I sat on my couch downstairs.  I had a glass of wine in hand and below deck on the television, it was one of my comfort shows.  It was about 12 am, I got a facetime call.  It was Aaron.  I had no idea why, he never called me, something was wrong. 

"Abi, I need you to shut up and listen" 

"What is it?" 

I had a pit in my stomach. 

"Look before I say anything I'm sorry, we thought you were okay with it, until Alex tracked us down and asked if Owen was doing anything, we still should've told you, but its gone too far, this isn't fair on you" 

I knew exactly what was about to happen. 

"Just look" 

He quietly went to Owen's room, the door was open, he flipped the camera.  The same blonde girl he told me not to worry about was on top of him.  They were asleep, but she had her arms wrapped around his and his were around her. I started crying, the tears were flowing down my cheeks and I couldn't stop it. 

Aaron yelled at Owen to get up and passed his phone to him.  My crying face in front of his. 

"Abi, you know I love you, I'm sorry" 

I didn't say anything. 

"She doesn't even mean anything to me, you're the one I want, you're the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with" 

"No, we're done, I'm not letting you walk all over me anymore, fuck you" 

Owen tried begging me to stay with him, but Aaron took the phone away from him. 

"I'm sorry Abi we should've told you" 

"You guys were always his friends I didn't expect anything" 

"Yeah but you're a good fucking person, we all knew you were too good for him, yet you stayed with him, you deserve the world and more" 

"Thanks Aaron" 

I hung up the phone and started crying harder.  I was gasping for air.  The life I thought I would have just ended. 

So I called Leah I didn't say much but I was crying begging for her to come to mine.  She did no questions asked. 

I opened the door for her and fell into her arms sobbing harder.  She carried me to the couch and held me in her arms until I calmed down.  She didn't say anything, she was waiting for me to say something. 

Once I calmed down I finally said something. 

"Owen cheated again, we broke up" 

She took a minute to process this. 

"What do you mean by again?" 

"He's done it before, a couple times, god I was so dumb I stayed with him every time, but not this time" 

"You know you deserve more than him" 

"So i've been told" 

I stayed on the couch in her arms for a bit, until I realized the time. 

"Fuck it's 3 in the morning you have a game you need to sleep" 

"I don't mind staying it's not until 1, so you just have to be fine with me getting up early" 

I contemplated her offer, before agreeing.  We went up to my bed and I fell asleep in her arms.  I felt safe. 


It was only a few hours before we woke up.  Leah had to be up at 7, so we both only got four hours of sleep.  I woke up in her arms still, she was still asleep.  I gave her a light tap on the face so she would wake up too and she gave me a tight squeeze. 

I got out of bed to go downstairs and make breakfast, it was the least I could do for her, after everything she did for me not even twelve hours prior.  She came down after using the bathroom. 

"Are we going to talk about it" 

I didn't want to talk about it. 

"Do you like eggs?" 

Great deflecting. 

"Seriously Ab" 

"Owen called me that" 

She could tell I was still hurting. She stopped pushing. 

"We don't have to now, but we can't forever pretend nothing happened" 

"I know, just eat your eggs, you have a game" 

We didn't really talk while eating our breakfasts, and then she left, and I was alone again. 

I put the game on TV, they were playing Tottenham.  I found myself getting lost in my thoughts. 

I always thought Owen would be the one, no matter how bad he treated me, or the amount of times he cheated, I craved the attention he gave me and what he would do to get on my good side again.  

When I met Leah Williamson, there was something different about her.  She made me forget about the expectations I had for my own life, and stop craving Owen's attention.  

At the same time she made me hate myself for not being the perfect daughter.  My parent's aren't homophobic, but if I ended up with a woman, would I still be their perfect child, now only child that I've worked so hard to be.  

Meeting Leah, finally made me realize that Owen doesn't deserve me, and I don't deserve the cheating, the lies, and the heartbreak.  Was I meant to be with her. 

I even more confused now than I was when Owen and I were together.  There was only one person in this whole world that would be able to help me figure out this mess.  I needed my best friend, I needed Alex. 

Abi: Owen cheated, we broke up, my life is falling a part, I need you here, I need you in London. 

Alex: I'll look at flights right now. 

She texted me a thirty minutes later. 

Alex: I was able to get a flight for tonight, I land in the morning tmr 

Alex would be able to make everything right. 


-Truth about Owen comes out so crazy 

-I've posted chapters every day this week why am I slaying 

-School is gonna be crazy next week, pls don't hate me if I can't get updates out quick, I promise i'm trying my best

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