[ Chapter 4 ] ♤ [ Johnny Cage x Kenshi Takahashi ]

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🔮 - Angst Chapter ‼️

Johnny sat quietly at the back of the room, watching the boisterous crowd as they laughed and chatted away. The premiere of his latest movie had just concluded, and it had garnered favorable reviews. Despite the festive ambiance and the supposed reason for the celebration, Johnny's chest felt heavy with an unexplainable weight, and his heart ached with an indescribable pain.

A few weeks before had been the worst heartbreak of his life, leaving him feeling like a shell of his former self. Despite his desperate pleas for just a few hours of sleep, his manager had insisted on the after-party, and now Johnny found himself struggling to keep up with the constant hum of conversation around him.

The behavior of the famous movie star has become increasingly concerning. He spends most of his time in his room, sleeping during the day and barely ever leaving the house unless his manager drags him out. If you take a closer look, you will notice the dark circles under his eyes, indicating a lack of restful sleep. Despite appearing to spend most of his time in bed, it seems as though he is not getting any real sleep at all.

The weight of his own body seemed to anchor him down, rendering him unable to move or communicate with the people around him. Although some individuals noticed his lethargic behavior and left him alone, he felt as though it was not enough. His head throbbed with an intense headache as he drained the remaining contents of his glass. "Kenshi..." Johnny's voice trembled as he uttered his name, and the sound of it only amplified the pain in his pounding head. He winced, his head drooping low in an attempt to block out all external noise.

His mind was clouded with exhaustion. All he could think about was collapsing onto his bed upstairs. Suddenly, a voice called out his name, jolting him out of his daze. Blinking in confusion, he looked up to see Princess Kitana standing before him.

For a moment, he couldn't place the voice or the face. It was only when he saw her eyes that he recognized her. His confusion quickly turned to concern as he realized that she wouldn't be here for a casual visit. Something was wrong.

"We can't talk here," he said, his voice low and urgent. He knew that they needed to find a secure location to speak. As he led the way upstairs, he couldn't help but feel self-conscious about the appearance of the situation. Rushing a woman as beautiful as Kitana into his bedroom was sure to raise some eyebrows, and he could hear the murmurs and whispers of the people around them. Some of them even muttered cruel words about the princess.

Johnny felt a wave of sadness wash over him as the unwelcome guests in his home spoke about the Princess. He clenched his fists, trying to keep his emotions in check, and closed the door firmly behind him, twisting the lock shut. Kitana, his dear friend, removed her mask and revealed a face twisted with worry.

"Her condition is deteriorating rapidly," Kitana said, her voice trembling with concern. "There are those who have taken notice of her weakened state and are now challenging her claim to the throne. With my mother gone and Mileena as the new empress, Outworld is in a state of chaos. People have lost respect for my sister. We need your help, Johnny Cage. Your protection is critical at this moment."

Johnny was taken aback by the news. He loved and respected Outworld, but he was unsure why Kitana had come to him for help. When he had first witnessed Raiden's battle for Earthrealm, he felt a sense of inadequacy. Watching the lightning wielder in action made him feel weaker than he had ever felt before. Despite his doubts, he knew he had to help his friend in need.

Johnny hesitated before speaking, "I'd love to help, but I am curious. Why me? Why have you not chosen Raiden or Kung Lao? They are far more capable of protecting royalty than I am. I mean, let's be real, I'm just a stuck-up movie star." The bitterness in his voice was apparent as he spoke. Kitana remained silent, her eyes fixed on Johnny. He felt small and insignificant under her gaze as if she was silently judging him.

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