Chapter #4: Skyworld Invaded; Godly Intervention

Depuis le début

>>>Palutena: "Don't get careless, Pit. We don't know how strong their new friend is just yet. I'm coming with you."

(At first, Pit was unsure of the idea, knowing that his role is to protect the Goddess of Light and all of Skyworld. But then he looks at the Polygon's minions and thinks about what Palutena said. After coming to a realization, the young captain of Palutena's Army finally makes his decision.)

>>>Pit: "...Alright."

(Pit and Palutena begun to take flight.)

>>>Pit: "Let's go!"

(And so, Pit and Palutena ventured into Skyworld. As they ventured deep into their beloved realm, they have run into a large group of Primids, followed by a familiar looking breed that served the Underworld Army. The members of said breed appear to be floating eye-like monsters with tentacles (Monoeye).)

>>>Palutena: "Explosive Flame!"

(Palutena casts Explosive Flame, taking most of them out one by one. Meanwhile, Pit uses his bow to fire arrows at them.)

(More monsters attack from behind, and Pit splits his bow into blades, allowing him to knock them back. He then follows up with his Upperdash Arm. One Fire Primid begins to attack Pit with a Fire Ball, only for Palutena to deflect it using Reflect.)

(Palutena then fires a beam of light at the creatures while Pit strikes them down with his blades. Another Primid holding a scope opens on fire, and Pit reflects it using a Guardian Orbitar. A Monoeye starts firing a dark energy sphere at Palutena, who casts...)

>>>Palutena: "Warp!"

(...teleporting out of the way, and appearing behind the Monoeye before striking it down using her staff. Meanwhile, Pit shoots down more Monoeyes and Primids with his bow.)

(Pit stops fighting to catch his breath.)

>>>Pit (exhausted): "Phew... there's so many minions in Skyworld. Cleaning up is gonna be tough..."

>>>Palutena: "Don't start letting your guard down just yet, Pit. More are coming."

(More monsters start to swarm them as Palutena says this. But before they could continue fighting, a large, two-handed war axe comes out of nowhere and splits one of the monsters in half, surprising both the Goddess Of Light and her young champion. Then a large figure walks up and grabs the axe. Pit and Palutena back away from this figure as they somehow recognize him.)

>>>Pit (in slight fear): "No way... Is that...?"

(Standing before them is a Spartan warrior who bares the resemblance of a bald, old, middle-aged man, with wrinkles on his face looking to be in his mid to late-50's. He also has a bushy, full beard which covers half his face and has several gray hairs. He also has pale skin and covered with the ashes of his Spartan family, and has slightly faded tattoos. He also bears a scar on his abdomen. Also from the same wound, he has a long scar covering almost all of his lower back. He wears black leather pants and shoes, also present are faded scars from where the chains from the blades were attached to his forearms, which he prefers to keep covered beneath with what appears to be fur-lined leather, secured with thongs of leather. Additionally, he possesses tattered remains of a Spartan skirt he once wore.)


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