Chapter 6 - alive

Start bij het begin

"Shake, sushi." Inumaki who was next to you agreed.

"I repeat it." Your sister said and nod with a lopsided smile.

"You guys hungry or something?" Toudou deadpans.

"They're scary." The girl with a broom muttered with a sweat drop.

"Nevermind. Okkotsu is being absent." The robot spoke which catched your attention.

"A robot can talk?" You and nobara said in unison. The third years looked at you. "What?" You deadpanned.

"Okaaayy that's enough." A woman in miko dress and a bow ribbon on her hair said.

"Don't fight among yourselves. So, where's that moron?" Utahime said and referring to none other than gojo satoru.

"Gojo- sensei is late."


"Sorryyy for the waaaiitt!" There he goes, the tall white haired man finally arrived while pushing a trolly box with a huge grin.

"Hey hey! Seems like everyone's around. I was in a business trip overseas, you see." Gojo exclaimed enthusiastically.

"He just started talking." Panda muttered and enough for everyone to hear.

Gojo started dashing towards the third year students and started giving them souvenirs one by one.

"Here some souvenirs. A protective charm for some kinda tribes for the folks from kyoto." Gojo said before his hand was empty.

"Nothing for utahime!"

"You moron I don't even want it!"


You watched the scene with an agape mouth, having no idea what's happening.

"And for the tokyo folks! There's this-!!!!" The white haired man exclaimed excitedly while in attempt to open the box.


"It'S YUJI ITADORI HIMSELF!" Gojo said and cheered proudly.

"YEAH! OH PAPI!" There reveals, the same pink haired boy and completely alive.

Your jaw dropped in disbelief and shock. "Eeeehhhhh?" You, megumi and nobara hummed in unison.

"Eehhh? Eehhhh? They're not happy at all!" The pink haired boy whined after seeing your reactions, he was still remained in the same pose and position.

"Eehhh? Eehhhh? They're not happy at all!" The pink haired boy whined after seeing your reactions, he was still remained in the same pose and position

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Thanks for reading! This arc was long, Aight, time for the huge timeskip

Deze afbeelding leeft onze inhoudsrichtlijnen niet na. Verwijder de afbeelding of upload een andere om verder te gaan met publiceren.

Thanks for reading! This arc was long, Aight, time for the huge timeskip. See you in the next chapter! <3

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu