"That's very smart of you. Because you would make a very ugly woman, I must say."

But Yuzu and Yaad look at the entrance hearing a new voice. Yuzu stands up "Prince Yang Xi ?"

"May I come in , noble consort Yuzu !"

Yuzu nods a little shocked.

Yang Xi enters the room with a smile "My father has sent this handmade gown with me and he wanted empress dowager to wear it on her birthday. I thought of giving it to her personally but then Noble consort is in charge of harem. So, I came to you."

"Oh there is no need for that. You can give this to her directly. I am not in charge of empress dowager. She is on her own." Yuzu refuses to accept the gift.

"Then I shall give your gift to you." Yang Xi pulls out a white shawl underneath the gown. "This is for the noble consort."

Yuzu takes the gift from Yang xi with an awkward smile. "That's beautiful.. tell you father that I liked it very much."

"Why don't you wear it now ... I have more colour options but I thought It will suit you."

Yuzu nods then opens the shawl to put it over himself. Soon the warmly of the furs fill his entire body. A smile spreads on Yuzu's lips. "It's good."

Yaad looks at the interaction with a bored expression. "I think I should leave now. I also need to gift my sister stuffs."

Yang Xi rolls his eyes at Yaad as he walks out of the room like he owns this palace. "Don't trust his words."

Yuzu who was caressing the shawl looks up "huh ?"

"Whatever he said about his highness and himself .. don't trust until you confirm it from his highness. He has a habit of lying on the face. I have studied with him once. He says almost nine lies out of ten sentences."

Yuzu smiles "It's fine. I didn't mind his words. He was here specifically to annoy me. I know that."

"Then you are a beauty with brain."

"That's not something you should say to my consort."

Yuzu look at the entrance only to find Zixuan standing there with dark face.

Yang Xi realised his mistake. He slowly bows a little before standing straight "It was a mere compliment of admiration. I hope his highness wouldn't take it in a wrong way."

Zixuan grits his teeth without uttering any words.

" Anyways , since his highness is here, I shall give my father's gift to him too." Yang Xi pulls out a black shawl underneath the gown and places it on the table. "Now I shall take my leave."

Both Yuzu and Zixuan stay silent until Yang Xi leaves the room. 

"What are you doing here ?" Yuzu breaks the silence as soon as Yangg Xi leaves.

Zixuan walks in the room with a hiss "What Am I Doing Here? This Is My Palace! This Is My Consort's Bed Chamber ! And you are asking me this ? SHOULDN'T YOU ASK HIM THIS ?"

Yuzu looks at Zixuan with a bored expression. He is tired of explaining things to Zixuan. Zixuan just needs an excuse to doubt him. First it was Xingchen... Now ..

"He came to give Yuri king's gift." Yuzu was about give Zixuan's shawl when Zixuan pulls his out shawl out of his body.

Yuzu shivers as the sudden coldness hits his body. He looks up in disbelief.
"What are you doing ?"

"You are not going to wear this. I will buy you new one." Zixuan raises his hand above so that Yuzu can't reach the shawl.

Yuzu glares. He jumps into Zixuan to pull back his shawl "This is my gift. You have no rights to take it away from me. Give it back."

Zixuan raises his hand higher "I will buy you same."

"No I don't need your gift. Give me back." Yuzu jumps more only to get stumble in Zixuan's arm.

Zixuan hurriedly lowers his hand to catch Yuzu "careful."

Yuzu fists on Zixuan's robe to stable his balance. "Give me back my shawl."

Zixuan sighs. But soon his head spins as a whip of scent his his nose ...

Yuzu was about to pull back but Zixuan's grip on his waist tightens. Yuzu instantly feels the dark aura radiating form Zixuan.

What's wrong ? Yuzu thinks in his mind.

"WHY. YOUR. HAIR. SMELLS. LIKE. YEMIN ?" Zixuan hisses in Yzuu's hair.

Yuzu blinks. Yemin ? Isn't it the famous scent of Yuri kingdom. That scent is so strong that if one person ever smell it, he will never forget it.

But the only people who can use Yemin are the Yuri kingdom royals. No one else is permitted to use that scent.  Yang Xi can definitely use that scent. But he can't use it on the gifts which he gave away to Zi kingdom.

Also Yemin is famous for it's use in body. It can't be used in clothes. In clothes it doesn't release fragrance."

"You have mistaken !"  Yuzu replies with a frown.

But the dark aura of Zixuan didn't disappear. "Was your hair.. right now."


"Wash your hair until the scent goes away or else ....".

Yuzu looks at Zixuan's blood shot eyes. He feels suddenly happy with Zixuan's reaction. Why he should be one who tolerate Zixaun's infidelity? Shouldn't Zixuan tolerate some too.
"Or else what ? This is my hair."

Zixuan grits his teeth "You don't want to know or else what ?"

Yuzu scoffs in his mind "Then I will see 'or else what' ? Because I like the way my hair is smelling. I wouldn't wash it."


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