Bells sound funny

Start from the beginning

The zealous blond stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes closed in a cocky smile and Aki sighed.

Kakashi sighed when Naruto charged, a war cry coming from him and Kakashi side stepped his swipes and sporadically increasing punches. Kicking one of Naruto's legs out from under him when the boy over balanced.
As soon as he tipped back and nearly squealed, Aki popped up behind and caught him by the shoulders, stepping back to support his weight. Something snapped in place around her ankle.

"Aki-chan?" Naruto asked, before he yelped as Aki dropped him, her foot in the snare Kakashi had somehow set up without them knowing.
A sharp exhale left her mouth as she flailed her arms before reorienting her sense of balance to being upside down.

She quickly brought her upper body up to hang onto the rope like a lizard and she turned to glare at Kakashi. He nearly cooed, she could hear it and for some reason it ticked her off.
A bubbling pool of Lava melting from her core into her veins, spiking with heat before suddenly dying down, her glare hardened.

"Not yet, Little one, soon."

He dodged a punch from one of Naruto's clones from behind, raising an eyebrow as Naruto charged again. Aki huffed, reached into her kunai pouch and took one out, climbing the rope a bit higher.

As the sound of a frustrated Naruto and a tauntingly calm Kakashi went on behind her, Aki's eyes lit up when she got an idea. Hoping it would work as she cut the rope at the branch, twisting her body mid fall to kick off the tree.

She came at the two like a rocket, leaving the bark slightly splintered, smokey smelling.
Naruto ducked on instinct and Aki crashed into Kakashi, who stumbled. She followed her momentum when they hit the grassy floor and steadied herself onto her feet after a roll, rope in hand. Naruto cheered and Kakashi raised an eyebrow.
"Not bad, kiddlets." He complemented. Flipping into a stand, ruffling his hair and brushing grass from his vest. Naruto groaned and Aki got up and looked at him, her eyes narrowing and her hand tightened on the rope.

Just as Naruto and Aki tensed to move, metal whistled through the air and he poofed away, shuriken sinking into a piece of wood.

The heartbeat was Sasuke's, slightly elevated from adrenaline, his breathing still steady as he dashed away from his hiding spot in the trees, the branches rustling in his haste. 'cool.' Aki thought in passing, 'he had good aim,' she didn't peg Sasuke to be someone to work with her and Naruto, though, it was certainly odd.
She could hear Sakura chasing after Sasuke, her footsteps slightly unsteady in urgency and she was much less quiet than the Uchiha. A flash of pink caught her eyes and she was gone.

She could hear Kakashi nearby, and she didn't like the chances of her and Naruto fighting the Jonin again. She ushered along a complaining Naruto, looking back at him she squinted and huffed before disappearing into the tree line.

This was going to be annoying.

She had managed to successfully drag the kicking and squirming Naruto, who complained all the way, to a relatively safe-ish spot in the trees.
Now the difficult part was getting Naruto to sit still long enough to try and see if he could make out her vague gestures of what they could do.

An annoyingly insistent smell of good bento boxes invaded her nose and it made her mouth water, she turned her head in that direction, before slapping her cheeks and turning back to Naruto. "Why'd you let him get away? I almost had the bells!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air with a scowl as he sunk to the ground to sit cross legged.

She gave him a look, hoping it conveyed her thoughts of 'we. I helped you.' apparently it did, somewhat, because Naruto puffed up his chest and grumbled, "I didn't need your help, Dattebayo!"

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