Chapter Fifteen

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Dora was still in Christmas mode by the time classes started up again

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Dora was still in Christmas mode by the time classes started up again. She'd been used to sleeping in late and her body clock had no clue she'd got a full timetable of classes that day. Dora shot up with a jolt. Her dorm was empty. No, no, no. She couldn't be late. It was the first day back and she was already late! She sprung out of bed and almost put her uniform on over her pyjamas. And to make things worse, her first class was Transfiguration. McGonagall may be the head of Gryffindor, but that didn't mean she was any more lenient with the Gryffindor students. Dora was late but if she left now and ran, she'd only be late by a few minutes. Maybe McGonagall wouldn't notice.

"Miss Addams," McGonagall called her name, sternly, upon seeing her loitering in the doorway. "So pleased you could join us. To make up for the time we missed you, see me after classes for detention." she said flatly, "Don't hold up my class any longer. Take a seat."

Dora scanned the class for any sign of Lily's red-head. She finds her sat next to Kingsley. They both look back at her with sorry expressions. There are no empty seats at the desks next to either of them. Dora sighed, she'll have to spend this class without her friends. She sweeps across the room trying to find an empty seat but the desks only fit two people and everyone's buddied up with a friend already.

"Don't make me ask a second time, Miss Addams," McGonagall threatened, "There's a seat in the back corner. You can sit there."

Dora looked over to where McGonagall had mentioned. No. There had to be another seat free somewhere. The desk McGonagall had pointed to already had someone sitting there and there was only one seat free. No. She wasn't going to sit next to Sirius Black, no way!

"Or I will give you another detention."

Dora slunk into the seat next to Sirius without saying so much as a word. Satisfied that her class wasn't going to be disturbed again, McGonagall carried on teaching. Dora set her textbooks on the desk out like a divider between her and Sirius.

"Why couldn't you have sat next to James?" She hissed under her breath.

"I'd be happier with that too," Sirius retorted, "And believe me, I tried. Peter swooped in before I had a chance."

Dora looked across the classroom wistfully at Kingsley and Lily. Lily looks over sympathetically and Kingsley mouths 'sorry'.

"This is all your fault."

"My fault?" Sirius hissed, "You could have turned up on time!"

"Why was this seat even empty?" She huffed, "I thought Remus would have sat here. Or does he have more sense than that."

"Low blow, even for you," Sirius grumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean?

Sirius tried to ignore her but he just couldn't resist opening his mouth.

Obnoxious | Sirius Black x OC |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant