"Okay," Lisa agreed.

Dr. Bae pulled a Kit Kat bar out of her pocket and placed it on her table stand.

"The chocolate pudding is kind of gross – I just don't think you should miss out on dessert," the doctor explained, sheepishly tucking her hair behind her ear. She reached forward and lightly squeezed Lisa's arm before leaving the room, grinning, not giving Lisa a chance to respond or thank her.

Yeah. This "crush" was going to be inconvenient.


"Are you sure you're going to be okay, Lisa?"

"Yes, Seulgi."

"And you're sure you'll walk again?"

"Yes, Seulgi."

Seulgi sat on the end of the bed, next to Lisa's 'good' leg. Her arms were crossed; she was visibly upset, having rushed to the hospital as soon as Lisa texted her. Lisa should've dealt with the situation a little less bluntly.

Seulgi: 'Where the fuck are you? I haven't seen you for days, loser. My fridge still has all its food in it.'

Lisa: 'Fell off my roof. In the hospital.'

"I just can't believe you're so blasé about this. You could've been seriously injured – even more so than you are right now."

Lisa rolled her eyes and affected a tone of boredom, she knew it riled Seulgi up when she spoke like this. "You're even more riled up about this than my mom. Can we go back to you hating me? Because you're being weird."

Lisa mimicked Seulgi's posture and crossed her arms. She didn't like it when people fussed over her, especially Seulgi, who had the tendency to be disproportionate about everything.

Seulgi shook her head. "I don't hate you. I just like fighting with you."

"Well, let's go back to fighting. You're doing this thing with your face that makes it look like you care about me."

Seulgi huffed. "I do care about you, despite the fact that you're like an annoying, rude little sibling. I'm just glad you're okay, okay?"

"Well, if anything happened to me, who would you generously allow to steal all your food and ramp up your karma points?" Lisa asked, shrugging.

Lisa really did like Seulgi, despite their constant arguing and need to outdo each other. She struggled with expressing this, but she knew Seulgi knew that she valued her friendship. Neither of them would ever admit it out loud though.

Seulgi laughed and gently hit Lisa's non-injured shin, keeping her hand on it. "I don't even know why I put up with you."

The two smirked at each other.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything..." Dr. Bae stood at the doorway, in a big winter coat and with a purse. "I was just on my way out and wanted to tell you that Dr. Yeji would be covering this evening. I am also not scheduled here tomorrow, I'll be at the clinic, but I may stop by as you're being discharged. If I have time."

Lisa nodded, disappointed that she may not see the doctor tomorrow, but tried to not let it show. Seulgi had a sort of radar for Lisa's moods – it was an inconvenient side effect of their friendship. She didn't want anyone, much less Seulgi, to know about her possible feelings for her doctor.

"I'm Miss Manoban's doctor, Dr. Bae," the doctor said to Seulgi, the smile not quite reaching her eyes.

"Oh, right. Dr. Bae, this is Seulgi. Seulgi, this is one of the doctors who saved my leg, Dr. Bae," Lisa said.

Less Than Lovers | LisRene AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon