The Rules

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A/N - I'm going to have to be strict on these rules, I'm afraid. In order to make these Games fun and keep to their theme, I will definitely enforce these.

1) Most importantly, DO NOT REVEAL YOUR TRIBUTE TO ANYONE. This includes in comments, over PM, over Kik Chat, whatever. By revealing who you are, you ruin the fun of these Games.

2) The reservations will open at 10pm BST, on Saturday the 20th June, 2015. You may not reserve until the chapter is posted or until this time has past.

3) All reservations must be made over private message. If you comment your reservation, it will be deleted and you will not be allowed the same spot if you continue to reserve over PM.

4) All forms, entries and anything else must be sent via email to If you really can't email me, send me a PM and we'll sort something out.

5) I make the final choices. If you do not like something, tough. You can withdraw if it really bothers you. If you think I am beginning to treat someone unfairly, again send me a PM and we can sort it out.

6) I'm not a fan of giving extensions, but in certain circumstances they will be granted. Again, just shoot me a PM.

7) I will not tolerate anyone being mean to any of the other writers in these Games. I will also not allow racism, sexism or any other -ism or -phobia within entries. That's just not nice.

8) If there is any evidence of suspicious voting, strange accounts or anything else that gets my attention, I will investigate it and my decision is final.

9) These Games rely on me as much as they rely on you. If I miss a deadline or do something wrong, feel free to spam me!

10) If you have read these rules, put your favorite type of bird alongside your reservation when you PM me. An interesting one, I know.

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