DESTRUCTION PT. 1( edited )

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" I see you have made new friends kokoshibo dono hyo hyo hyo" Gyyoko said letting out a hideous chuckle.
" Your the one to talk! You don't have any friends you disgusting piece of shit!!" I spat narrowing my eyes as I still stood in my protective pose. "Hugh... How's calling me disgusting you six eyed freak!! " He yelled and in an instant his image flash through him

" Gyyoko!!!!" Muzan said dangerously in Gyyoko's mind. Giyuko gulped and shook his head. " Enough of the chit chat let's go master would be so pleased. If you don't I'll take you there my self." Gyyoko said in a serious tone.
" Yeah like that's gonna happen." I said rolling my eyes. " Then you leave me no choice" he said disappearing. " Huh..what the hell" I said under my breath. I looked around with narrowed eyes still putting my guard up.

Suddenly I dodged just in time to dodge needles being thrown at me. It nearly graced my cheek! " Wow I have to be careful. Thank fully I'll regenerate quickly." I said letting out a reliefed sigh. Again he threw a lot of needles with speed as I dodged from another directions..

" Hyo hyo~ this is gonna be so fun" Gyyoko said laughing hysterically like a maniac. I growled as I set in a defensive position ready to dodge and hit as best as I can without my sword. " Shit. I should of brought my sword tonight." I muttered under my breath. " I can't do much damage without my sword. Guess I have to relay on my instincts and abilities. " I said in my mind disappointed and frustrated with my self.

Suddenly a swarm of grotesque fish appeared out of no where. More like demon fish. I started to pounce on them trying hard to use my strength, agility and endurance as much as I can. But every hit I make is useless as the fish can't be killed. Not even with decapitation. Virtually they were indestructible. But I notice something odd with them too. There was a big porcelain pots was attached to there back. ". Maybe if I... Yes it has to be. This has to be the way !!!! I just need to get close to them just enough too..."

* Shadder sound*
One of the pots from a fish broke and it started to disintegrate. " Just as I thought!! their week ness was only the pots on their back! I just need to break the other ones and this horror show would be over!!!" I yelled as I started to break the other pots too. I killed all of them with minor wounds and a scratch on my face that are healing. But I noticed something. My regenerating process is significantly lower than my usual or pre pregnancy. Even my abilities and skills has decreased significantly. Giving me the disadvantage.

My pregnancy is effecting my efficiency in fighting. So I have to be more careful when I fight. I don't know if my baby can be miscarriage if I get a good hit to the stomach.

Suddenly a unknown figure approach from the mass destruction of dust and fire. Their sword griped in their hand glittering a light white in the unruly moon. Giving them an eery vibe. The figure revealed them self from the smoke to see a swordsman quite literally a demon slayer coming towards Gyyoko with their sword held high. Key word Gyyoko. I guess they didn't notice my aura being demon. Well I hide it well So no suprise there.

Their aura is strong themself. But not enough to be a hashira and his fighting spirit is in the middle. Must be very confident I guessed with the sly smirk on his face. " What do I have here. Uppermoon five isn't it ??? Maybe tonight be my lucky night" he cackled as he readied his sword and started to dash towards Gyyoko with full speed. " Thunder breathing. First form thunder clap and flash!" He yelled as he tried to get the upper hand on this. He still didn't understand what he was up against. Or not stopping underestimating his opponent.

Which will eventually lead to his unfortunate and gruesome death. When he was just close to land the hit on Gyyoko. He smirked and yelled " poison needle fish kill!!!" And the same fish that attacked me first comes crashing down from his pot.

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