Chapter 1

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Evangeline walks into the bar. It's kind of scary to her, as she's never been to a kind of bar like this, only having wine and vodka on special occasions like the rich girl she was.

She sits down and looks up at the bartender. "Give me the strongest shit you got." She groans, and the bartender gets that order. She takes her first drink and sighs. Then, out of nowhere, she feels an arm wrap around her shoulders. She turns in the direction of the arm and she sees a dude who looks like he makes three dollars a year and is addicted to cocaine. He has extremely ruffled blondish hair blue eyes and the craziest but happiest smile you'd ever see.

"Hey man, How you doing t'night?" the man asked her with a Brooklyn accent as he took a swing of his drink. He seemed drunk, but harmless, as far as Evangeline knew.

"I could be better. I got dumped on my wedding day, so..." she took another swig, planning on getting drunk. She spilled some on her dress but didn't give a shit anymore.

"Oh cheezus, I'm sorry to hear that." the guy said, trying to be comforting. "Want a joke to cheer you up? What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in the ocean?"

Evangeline thinks for a moment. A joke wouldn't help, but she didn't wanna turn this guy down like her groom did.

"I dunno, what do you call a guy with no arms or legs in the ocean?" Evangeline asks.

"Bob!" he laughed at his joke. The bartender gave him a dirty look for a moment, but the man looked oblivious. He took another big swig of his drink and put his arm back around Evangeline as he kept telling her corny dark jokes.

"I could tell you jokes all night, honest to God." he chuckled, still looking crazy and twitching a little.

"Nah, that's okay, those were plenty enough. Thanks." Evangeline said as she took a swig of her drink, her veil getting in the way. She snapped a little and pushed it out of her face, accidentally dropping it on the floor. She put her head on the table before lifting it back up and drinking again. The man took another sip of his drink and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"You alright hun? Why don't you come back to my house, I can take good care of you. You'll be safe." He said with a goofy smirk on his face.

She raised an eyebrow. She was already a little tipsy. She nodded.

"Sure." she'd already lost her groom and her family, whatever did she have to lose besides money?

"Perfect!" he smiled as he stood up and held his hand out to Evangeline. He stood way too close and looked down at her chest a little. His breath smelled like Heineken and old cigarettes. He grabbed her hand and started to pull her towards the back, where his van was parked. But instead of getting in his van, he jumped into the bar dumpster, digging for something.

"Ew..." Evangeline uttered to herself, "Uh, what are you doing? I thought we were going to your house?"

"We are, don't worry." the drunk man said as he dug around the dumpster. He found a set of keys and quietly waved her over to a secret door behind the bar. Evangeline walked over there and the guy unlocked the door, then turned to her with a smile

"Come on, let's have some fun." He whispered with a glint in his eye, leaning in to kiss her neck and feel her up. She gasped softly, grabbed his shoulders, and managed to push him an arm's distance away, her hands still on his shoulders.

"Dude, I just got dumped on my wedding day, I don't want what you're giving me," she said directly as she stared into his eyes. He laughed and tried to grab her neck, looking at her with a crazy look in his eyes.

"Come on. Why so stubborn, huh? I'm just trying to have some fun tonight, I didn't think it would be this hard."

He leans in for another unwanted kiss.

She slapped him in the face, then hunched a little as she saw it might have hurt a little.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" she asked with winced eyes. The man was stunned for a second. Then he looks a little furious. His jaw muscles flexed and he started making fists at his sides. The anger slowly left his face and then he gave Evangeline a big goofy smile

"Haha.. yeah, it's ok. So what, you got a boyfriend or something? Is that why you won't go with me?" He asked, with a tilt to the head and a chuckle. Evangeline sighed.

"No, it's because I've been rejected on my wedding day after being in a relationship for 4 years. I'm not over my ex yet." She gestured to her wedding dress. Then it hit the man like a wall of bricks. He put a hand over his mouth and let out a whistle.

"Woah, woah, woah! You just got dumped on your wedding day?!" He exclaimed, not remembering the times she had said she got dumped. He doesn't seem to have a great memory when drunk.

Evangeline grunted as she fixed some of her already ruined dress. "Yeah." she nodded, looking down at her dress and corsage, then back at him.

"So, no going to town on me. But I'd still like to go to your place if you'd let me. I don't have anywhere to go, now that I got dumped and my family left me, so I can't stay anywhere." She sighed as she saw the puddle and alcohol stains on her dress.

The man realized he was in the wrong. "Oh, oh god I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so, uhm, forward. It's just that you're gorgeous, and I thought you were giving me signals. I didn't know you were just looking for someplace to stay tonight." he thinks about it for a moment.

"I'm Rob, by the way. Robert Jimothy Smith III. But call me Rob." He insisted, putting his hand out for a handshake. Evangeline hesitantly put her hand out, shaking his hand. Rob opened the secret bar door and started walking down the staircase. "Follow me!" He exclaimed as he continued walking.

The two make it to the bottom of the staircase.

"Here we are! My humble abode. I secretly live here, this is the basement of the bar upstairs, but don't tell no one." Rob looked around with a smile, before managing to turn around and pin Evangeline on the wall. Evangeline's eyes widened and she slapped his face again, wincing as she realized what she had done.

"Oh! I'm sorry again. You can't keep doing that!" she apologized and checked his face for any marks or redness, "You could go to jail if you keep doing that, not to me but to other people. You're lucky I have the heart to not call the cops." Rob let go of her with slight annoyance.

"What did I do?! You said you wanted to come home with me, so I thought I was doing you a favor. I'm just a guy looking to have some fun. Why would you come home with me in the first place if you didn't want to do anything?!" Rob raised his voice slightly.

"Because I have nowhere else to go, don't you understand?!" Evangeline yelled and pushed him away. She looked down at herself and paused.

"Look, I had an arranged relationship, and I got dumped from it! An arranged relationship! Dumped! And then my family calls me worthless for it and dumps me onto the street with no money except for what they gave me to put in the bank! I don't have anywhere else to go!" Rob is stunned for a second. He looks down at the floor.

"Hey, I'm sorry that happened. I thought you liked me. I thought we were hitting it off."

He started to look more guilty and ashamed.

"Wait, you wanna... make out, at least, to cheer you up?" Evangeline sighed softly and shook her head.

"No, but..." she sulks a little, "Can I have a hug? I've had a rough day." She looked up at him with big puppy eyes. Rob smiled and gave her a big hug.

My Original Story!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt