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The cloud-speckled blue sky gleamed over the green hills as Jun sighed. With a tremendous effort, they lowered themselves onto the grassy crest, barely containing the hiss of pain that escaped their lips as they slumped against the stump of a nearby tree. What they would give for a gust of wind right now, they grinned, revealing bloodstained red teeth as they chuckled to themselves slightly. Gingerly, they lifted their left hand from their crimson-stained abdomen. The hand was scarlet with blood, almost as if Jun had meticulously painted their hand in red paint. A man was standing over them, panting as he looked down at the river of blood streaming from Jun's wounds. Jun looked up at them and a grin appeared on their face. "Ah, you've come for your knife, yeah?" They said as they jerked and winced with the pain of bending over. Grasping the knife embedded into their abdomen with trembling fingers, they pulled, not even bothering to muffle the scream as they dropped the knife, the weapon tumbling down the hill and landing in at its base. "Well, you know where it is, if you need it again." They gasped. The man looked between Jun and the knife, a look of horror and pity on their face. Jun sighed as they rested an arm at the stump and looked off into the cloudy sky. The man opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it and closed it. For a moment, silence hung between the two before the man sighed and plopped down next to Jun, looking at them as they looked out into the distance. "En, it's not your fault." "I gave her the knife, Ju-" "Just watch the clouds with me, will you?" Jun said, rolling their head back to look at En. The man called En looked at Jun as tears shimmering in his eyes. Jun inched out a trembling hand, reaching for En's hand. In an instant, he clasped it and the two looked back out into the distant cloudy sky as across the hills, a small breeze blew over.

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