Chapter Nine: Bloody Press

Start from the beginning

Whoever this man was needed to be stopped before he could do further harm.

"She's fine Sid," Tatum tried to reassure, "Stu went to visit her yesterday to make sure she was alright."

Sidney's eyebrows shot up at the news, "Stu went to visit? Where was her Aunt?"

"He said something about her not having enough hours at the hospital. I wonder what's going on," The strawberry blonde pursed her lips in worry, "You don't think they're running out of money do you? I thought their house was fully paid off. Or do you think something happened with CPS—"

A whack to the head was sent over by Mama Reily in response. In the morning gossip wasn't allowed at the table...only at dinner time.

"Now don't you go talking bad about that woman! She works a lot harder than alot of people in this town trying to provide for (Y/n)," The mother placed the fresh stack of pancakes just in time as Dewy rushed in his brown shirt of his uniform untucked from his trousers. "I still remember the night that the girl's parents were pronounced dead with no leads. It had to have been an armed robbery, but who honestly would be that desperate for money and kill a loving husband and wife."

The town knew about how Gia (L/n) immediately took up the task of taking care of (L/n) after her brother's murder. She made sure (Y/n) was always on time for school, had the best packed lunches and even made sure the girl had enough movies and comics to keep herself occupied. As an aunt she was still considered young even though she was only twenty nine years old at the time. She worked day shifts when the girl was younger and switched to night shifts recently when (Y/n) turned sixteen.

Gia has been giving (Y/n) the world as much as she can. There's only so much you can do to give someone who has unfairly lost their parents. 

It was honestly disrespectful the way the town looked down upon them with no man in the home. It was a mindset that needed to be changed that had a male running the home and the woman at times to stay with the children. The fact that Gia wasn't married and had no husband was a jab here and there the Woodsboro housewives would talk about. But it seemed like Gia didn't mind or wasn't worried about that fact. In fact she took strides in it.

Sidney wrinkled her nose in distaste at the memory of Billy coming to her house with a bloody nose one afternoon to study over her house. Her concern for him was genuine at first then shattered when she learned what it was for.

"Billy! What happened?!" Sidney followed the Loomis boy down the hall to her bathroom with a towel in hand. Her body was rigid from the sight of her boyfriend's nose bleeding on the white tiles floor. 

Billy simply grabbed the towel out of the girl's hand wetting it underneath the sink, "Some dipshits were talking about (Y/n) and Gia. I had to put them in their place."

Sidney's eyebrows creased in agitation, "You got into a fight over (Y/n)? Why would you even-"

"Why wouldn't I?"

The silence in the bathroom was deafening. All she could do was take in the boys' aloof expression as if he did nothing wrong. And in a way he didn't-although the bruises and busted up knuckles said otherwise.

At the moment she shouldn't be thinking about that. She should be thinking of a way to gain evidence against a convicted murderer who was coming after her and (Y/n). Since she was proven wrong she would at least need to apologize to Billy-her own boyfriend for causing him.

But her gut. It was telling her something wasn't right.

"You don't think it could've been the man that attacked them do you? He does seem a bit obsessed with (Y/n). Do you think he sees her as 'the one that got away'?" Tatum theorized, she missed the way Sidney tuned back in from messing with her pancakes on the plate.

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