The Vanishing Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Where are you going?" Chase asks me.

"I'm going to find Marcus," I say.

"No, Cassie. It's too dangerous." Chase says.

"Don't worry about me, Chase. I got this. You guys go take care of Giselle." I say.

"Okay. Be careful." Chase says.

"You too," I say. As everyone starts to walk out of the room, Stefan walks up to me.

"If you're going to face Marcus alone, there's something I've been meaning to do ever since I broke free from Krane's control," Stefan says.

"What's that?" I say. Before I could react, Stefan cupped his hands on my face and pressed his lips against mine. I was caught off guard at first but I instantly pulled into the kiss. When he pulled away, he walked out of the room without saying anything.

I just stood there with a shocked expression on my face. It took me a second to come back to reality and remember where I was. I walked out of the room and made my way to Giselle's lab.


"I'll go take care of 'em," Marcus says as he and Giselle watch us escape on the monitor.

"No! Let them get their hopes up. They won't get far." Giselle says. Just as she grabs her laser whip and walks out of the room, Daniel comes up from behind Marcus and hits him with a pipe, which only bends and does nothing to Marcus.

"What do you know? You broke my pipe." Daniel says. Marcus grabs Daniel and drags him across the room.

"Marcus! I know I built you to be evil, but I can reprogram you. We can be a family again. You, me, Daniel. Maybe we'll adopt a girl or a kitten." Douglas says, making Mr. Davenport give him a weird look.

"I hate cats," Marcus says as he twists Daniel's arm.

"Come on, Marcus. It's me. Your dad. Let's fix this. All you have to do is release these restraints." Douglas says. Marcus' expression softens for a moment but then he grows angry and forces Daniel down again.

"No! My only mission is to destroy every last member of your precious family, starting with him." Marcus says, motioning to Daniel.

"Marcus, I'm begging you. Start with Donny." Douglas cries.

"What?!" Mr. Davenport says, thrashing around in his chair.


"This place is too big. All the hallways look the same." Bree says as she, Adam, Chase, Leo, Blake, Stefan, and the students walk through the hall in Giselle's lab.

"I'll go this way, you guys cover the rest," Leo says.

"Come on, let's go," Chase says just as Giselle walks into the room.

"Leaving so soon?" Giselle says.

"Give it up, Giselle. You're outnumbered. We can easily take out you and Marcus." Chase says.

"That would be true if you were still bionic," Giselle says.

"What are you talking about? We escaped before you could finish the job." Chase says.

"Your chips were destroyed after the first flash," Giselle says.

"What?" Bree says.

"Your bionics are gone. Forever!" Giselle says.

"Chase, Cassie went to fight Marcus without her bionics," Bree whispered to her brother.

"Now that you're just a bunch of useless humans, what do you say I finish you for good?" Giselle says, holding up her electric whip.

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