Chapiter 2

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- Beel?

Mammon called to him in a soft voice. Beel's cries had turned into sniffles and now into simple breathing. Beel was asleep.

- Let's go and join the autr-

- You're not going anywhere.

Mammon gasped and lifted his head at Lucifer's voice. What was he doing here? And what does he mean by that?'

- How do you-? No, no, better... What do you mean by that?

- You're not going anywhere.

- HAHAHAhahaa!? You can't be serious?

When Lucifer didn't answer, Mammon resumed.

- Wait- you're serious!!? What's the heck's  wrong with you? .... Seriously Lul- no. Lucifer... I can't understand you. Are you really going to leave us all here to die....

- for dead? ...

There was a moment of silence, their gazes fixed only on each other, before Lucifer interrupted the silence.

- No, You'll be dead. But not by me, no, you died at the hands of the angels (the soldiers and Micheal), while I was trying to save you and brother.

- tch- Bastard...


Pov les Belph, Levi, Asmo & satan

Asmo was on the verge of cracking, biting his nails and pacing back and forth in their hiding place. Levi had Satan asleep for a long time in his arms, he had take him when he saw that Asmo was losing control of his emotions. Belph held Lilith tightly against him.

- my god, my god, my god.....

- Asmo, please calm down, everything's going to be fine.

- Levi. It's been almost 30 minutes since Lucifer left to find Mammon and Beel and they're still not here... Imagine if something had happened, imagine they'd been captured, imagine one of them hadn't made it-

- Asmo. S.t.o.p

Asmo froze in place. It was the first time he'd seen Levi being so serious.

- I know the situation is stressful and terrifying. But everything's going to be fine. Lucifer's gone to get them and he's going to come back with them. OK?

Levi spoke in a soft voice so as not to wake Satan and startled Belph. But mostly for himself. He was terrified that Lucifer would never come back with his two brothers.


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