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i lay on my bed thinking to myself of what to do as my mother and father are actually home. quite shocking really as their never actually here but i can guarantee they won't stay long, they never have and i doubt they ever will.

"Ami dear come down here please" my mother called out "coming!" i shout down from my room. i picked myself up off my bed and made my way down the stairs. "Amelia honey me and your father are going away for the summer with narcissa and lucius" my mother said smiling at me i just rolled my eyes and smiled "great, have fun" i say going to walk away "Amelia Jane Barlowe i am not finished" She says to me making me turn back around walking down to her again. "we have all decided that you will be staying at the malfoy manor with draco while we are away". "erm have you gone mad! i am not spending more than a day with that ferret boy!" i yell to my parents "Ami do not yell at your mother" my dad said from beside my mum. "i have already packed your bags so go get changed into something more... presentable" my mum said looking me up and down.

"why can't i just stay with laura, i always stay with her" i complain. "i've given laura a holiday for all the wonderful things she's done over the years, she truly does deserve it" she's not wrong there, that woman deserves more than just a fucking holiday. "your unbelievable" i scoff and make my way up stairs into my bedroom "Be ready in 10 minutes hon" my mum called up the stairs

Don't get me wrong i love my mother and my father but my mum has a need to impress people no matter what. I've always been closer to my father, he would owl and let me know how they are occasionally when they were away and i think i've heard him say 'i love you' to me more than my mother ever has.

i took a white long sleeve top and my skirt with some tights out of my drawers and put them all on. i made my way over to my shoe cupboard to see most of my shoes gone but i did notice my favourite boots. i slipped on the black shiny boots laura had got me for my birthday this year and made my way downstairs back to my mother and father.

"good, your ready, we must get going" my mother said leaving our manor. my father looks to me and smiles "you'll be okay" he said hugging me. i just let out a nod knowing full well i probably wont survive this summer.


We apperated outside the Malfoy manor and made our way up to the front door. my dad knocks on the door to only be pulled open by a friendly face i have missed terribly. "Violet, Marcus" narcissa says smiling hugging my parents she then turned to look at me. "oh merlin, Amelia" she says hugging me. she pulled away and cupped my face in her hands "your still so beautiful" i look down to the floor feeling the heat rise up my face "i missed you cissy" i say looking back up "i missed you more my sweet girl" she said pulling away.

narcissa always has had a way with words even since growing up. it's the way she says things that it actually makes you feel special. i have loved the woman for as long as i can remember and always loved being around her.

"Draco!" cissy calls out to her son. i watch as i see a tall blonde boy walk down the stairs. i know i go to school with the git but i never have noticed him, i would rather be of the list of the peoples life he makes a living hell. "yes mother" he said sweetly. but Draco was always so different around his mother compared to his two idiots he calls friends. "we must be on our way now, please show ami where she will be staying this summer" she said smiling at her son "of course" he said smiling. narcissa went to kiss her son goodbye as i turned to my parents. my mum hugs me and kisses my forehead. i turn to my dad and he pulls me into a tight hug "don't rip his head off while your here" he whispered in my ear "no promises" i said with a half smile.  i turn to cissy "i'll see you at the end of summer my sweet girl" she said hugging me and kissing my forehead.

i watch the door close behind them and turn to Draco who's already walking up the stairs. he stops in his tracks and turns around "hurry up barlowe" he scoffed turning back around. i pick up my cases and follow Draco up the stairs. he stops outside a room and opens the door "your rooms right opposite mine so don't bother me and stay out of my way, you got that barlowe" he spat "whatever ferret boy" i say shoving past him.
"you think your funny do you" he said turning me around. "i do as a matter of fact, i think i'm hilarious" i say with a sarcastic smile "stay out my way you waste of space" he lefts go pushing me a little. "piss off Malfoy" i say shutting the door in his face.

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