It seemed to be another meeting, with all of the people who had come on the short trip. And most didn't seem too happy with the outcome. While some seemed interested in the next move.

"We will work on finding her next, whether you want to help or not it's up to you. I want to thank everyone who helped on the first attempt but don't expect you to offer anything else. Especially your time." Rangi explained.

"She's fine she's the Avatar after all, I mean I'm still not even sure that we were at the right place. Have you ever stopped to consider that she gave the wrong place, or maybe led us there on purpose?" A man asked.

"And why would she do that?" Rangi asked harshly. "I dunno, maybe to keep us out of the way" He suggested.

The suggestion felt like it had staked through Rangi's insides.

"As far as I'm concerned she is missing, do you hear me? She wouldn't lead us astray like that for no reason, something happened." Rangi shot. "I don't care what any you all think, but it's my say on this matter"

"Well I think that we should set out as soon as possible. I mean who else is going to get things set straight around here". Another man called. Rangi's ears perked up, although she wasn't exactly sure how she felt about his statement.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"I mean like we need the Avatar, she welds all the elements for Rava's sake. Who else will so the grunt work for the nations." Even though Rangi couldn't be sure what the man meant exactly. The feeling that he thought of Kyohis as just someone to do the grunt work of the nations, and nothing more really started to irritate her as well. These men were idiots.

"This isn't about finding the Avatar, wheelder of the four elements, this is about finding a fucking person, a human being that would put her life on the line again and again for anyone. She would stop at nothing to make sure we were all safe, so I'll do the same."

"A waste of time" the other conflicting man called. "What no, we need her" the other called. "She's the Avatar, she can handle herself."

She comments countied to fill the room. "ENOUGH," Rangi yelled, gaining the room's attention. "As I said before I thank you for coming with me on the first way around but none of your help will be required in the future"

"Really you're going to do this all on your own" Someone called almost mockingly.

"You're dismissed." She said shortly. "Let it be known that if anyone dares to stand in my way they will be removed, permanently." Rangi said as she left the room, Jinpa jogging behind her.

"Setting fire everywhere we go now are we?" He asked as he caught up.

"I don't care." Rangi commented looking down. "You were never one to be reckless but this whole thing with Kyoshi really has you all over the place." He said calmly.

Rangi didn't need to reply, she knew she was a mess. But it was all her fault. From the night before she knew that something was off but she didn't do anything, and then Kyohis left without warning. And now she's Rava only knows where after leaving one of her fans in a bed of rock. She knew that something was wrong, but didn't know how to proceed.

"Do we still have the man from the palace attack in containment?" Jinpa asked. "Yeah I think so"

"Maybe he has a clue where they could have gone"

"That not actually a bad idea" Rangi replied

They head back to the cell, but Rangi stops Jinpa before they enter the cell. "No, I want to do this alone." She said looking ahead.

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