"Be sure to ride the cyclone!"

21 1 0

"Connie, are you ready soon? Ive been waiting for nine and a half minutes down here!"
Constance gripped intensly onto the mascara wand, applying it as quickly as possible. Ocean had slept over at her house last night, and today was the Kiwani's international singing competition, so she was extra stressed about not being late. She fumbled around in her makeup bag, pulling out the eyeliner and trying to do it quickly, but doing it too crooked and having to start over. Constance still hadn't confronted Ocean about what happened in the biology room yesterday. she wanted to, but Ocean kept avoiding it whenever she asked her about it or acting like she didn't know what she was talking about.

"Connie!? Come down now! It's half past 2 pm, we need to be there at 3!"

"Sorry, coming Ocean!"

Constance quickly checked herself for any visual flaws before running quickly down the stairs, holding on to her bag for dear life. When she had made her way to the entrance of the house, an annoyed Ocean was standing with her arms crossed, all ready to go, with a displeased look on her face.

"Connie, you simply cannot be serious, its the Kiwani's international singing competition! We cant be late!"

"Sorry Ocean..."

Constance put her shoes on, tying them as she thought about confronting Ocean again. When she had her jacket on and was ready to go, the already ready to go Ocean and her made their way out of Constance's house, talking their way over to the school, where they were supposed to meet with the rest of the choir.

"Sorry for taking so long to get ready Ocean." Constance let out as they walked.

"It's fine Connie, but this competition is very important, you should take it more seriously, you're such a good alto!"

"Yeah, sorry, you're right Ocean."

Constance rolled her eyes, keeping Ocean from noticing. Such a good alto. Being an alto in the choir was so boring, you just had to sing the deep background stuff, no one in the audience even noticed you were there. Ocean or Noel always got the interesting parts, and she was left with what no one else wanted to sing.

Such a good alto.

When they arrived at the school, they were fifteen minutes early. Ocean sat down on one of the benches, Constance following right behind her, plopping down next to her. Constance noticed that Ocean looked more nervous that she had done last year, actually, she had looked like that since yesterday after the biology room.

"Ocean..." Constance uttered. "We need to talk about what happened in the biology room!"

"Connie, what are you talking about?"

"You know what im talking about."

"I can promise you i dont Connie."

"No Ocean, no more of this!" Connie raised her voice slightly, making Ocean flinch. "Yesterday you kissed me in the biology room and you ran out, and you've refused to acknowledge it. Why the fuck did you do that!?"

"Hey, you guys are early! Not that i dont expect that from you, Ocean!"

Constance looked up, noticing the voice the second she heard it. Father Marcus. Ocean immediately sprung up from the bench, shaking his hand and greeting him. Constance glanced at his minibus, that was parked in the school faculty parking lot across the street, and saw a girl sitting inside it. She had brown hair in braided pigtails and shiny pink earrings on, but what Constance noticed firstly, was the saint cassion uniform she was wearing. She looked up at Father Marcus.

"Who's the girl sitting in your car Father Marcus? she's wearing our uniform."

"That's a new saint cassion student! Her family just moved into town last week. She'll be joining our choir, and she will accompany us to the fall fair today! Sin-"

What the fuck is wrong with you!?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें