"I can't answer you, brother, I have to convene a council and discuss it with everyone"

"It's right. When you have made up your mind, you will find me at the Sweetwater pony express station. In the meantime, I will discuss with my woman what to do ".

D.J. watched the exchange between the two men with anguish and waited with trepidation for Buck to explain what was happening. After the dialogue with the deputy chief, Buck turned to her and said: "I explained to him about us and I told him categorically that even if I had to accept to be their boss, and I said IF, my woman would be you and no other. He replied that he must first discuss it with the other members of the tribe ".

"Buck, are you really considering accepting their proposal?" she asked in amazement.

"I don't know D.J., I need to think and discuss it with you, now I really don't know, let's take some time".

She didn't answer but felt a shiver of cold go through her whole body.

Buck greeted the man and then they went back to their horse. All the way neither of them spoke. They decided they would go to the station to explain what had happened to the others. When they saw them coming from afar, the boys went out to greet them joyfully, convinced that the two had been united in marriage by Buck's brother, but when they approached, they realized that something must have gone wrong.

They dismounted and it was Teaspoon who spoke: "From what I see things didn't go as planned, did they?"

Buck did not answer and it was D.J. to intervene: "Let's go inside and we'll explain everything"

They entered the bunkhouse and D.J. realized that Buck was still in shock, so it was she who explained what had happened, not leaving out any detail, not even the proposal that had been made to Buck.

Everyone was stunned and Teaspoon asked: "What are you going to do boy?"

He replied: "I don't know Teaspoon, I really don't know. I am unable to reason now, the pain is too strong. The only thing I have pointed out is that I will never marry a Kiowa woman, in any case my woman will be D.J. ".

She squeezed his arm in gratitude and Teaspoon exclaimed: "Damn"

Rachel and Lou hugged Buck and everyone huddled around him.

They stayed there in the afternoon and evening for dinner, then D.J. said it was getting late and she had to go home, sure Buck would stay at the station tonight.

When he got up to accompany her, she said: "Buck, it's not necessary honey, I can go back alone or have someone else take me"

"No D.J., I need you, don't leave me alone"

She hugged him and whispered: "I'll never leave you alone, I thought it was you who wanted to be on your own for a while after it happened"

"No, I need you like never before"

"Let's go then"

They said goodbye and headed to D.J. Arriving, they went upstairs and once in bed, she took him in her arms, cuddling him like a child who had lost his father, because this is what Red Bear had been for Buck for a long time. She gently stroked his hair and kissed him tenderly on the head. Buck let himself be cuddled without speaking, but then he turned to her, looked into her eyes and climbed on top of her, making love wildly, as if he needed to merge with her to stop feeling the pain. He then collapsed in her arms and fell asleep.

His sleep was haunted all night and D.J. didn't know how to calm him down. The next morning, while they were having breakfast, Buck suddenly broke the silence and said: "We have to talk, you know"

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