"Thanks Lou, I'm going to town right away to get her a ring and tonight I'll make her the proposal. Would you come with me to help me choose it? "

"Gladly, but first I would like to offer you something, if you don't take offense."


"My mother, before she died, gave me a ring that my grandmother had given her, it was her engagement ring. I'd like you to have it and give it to D.J. "

"Oh Lou, I can't really accept"

"Buck, you are my family, D.J. is now like a sister to me and I do not know if I will ever have children, given the behavior of Kid who cannot be decided. You are a special friend to me, you have always been there in times of need and I would be really happy if you accepted "

"I would be honored Lou"

"Well, decided then, let's go to the bunkhouse and I'll give it to you"

"Thank you, you're a real friend" and he kissed her tenderly on the cheek.

The two returned to the bunkhouse and Lou, without being seen by anyone, handed Buck a blue velvet bag containing her grandmother's ring.

"Good luck Buck, I wish you much happiness"

"Heartfelt thanks Lou. Now I am going to her and I will cook her something special. Tomorrow I will tell you "

"Well. See you tomorrow"

Buck changed into a white shirt, he knew that D.J. really liked it when he wore it. When he arrived he found her intent on writing.

"Is it already so late?" she asked when she saw him arrive.

"No, honey, I just thought I'd come earlier to make dinner so you can get on with your work. There wasn't much to do at the station "

D.J. went to meet him and kissed him tenderly: "Thank you my love, you are very sweet".

Buck went into the kitchen as she finished her chapter. Buck knew perfectly well where she kept everything, tablecloths, plates and more, and set a very elegant table.

When D.J. entered the kitchen she was amazed and asked him: "Did I forget any occasion?"

"No honey, I just wanted to prepare something special for the two of us, to celebrate our love"

"But how sweet are you my love? I caught the best guy in the world "and kissed him greedily.

"Hey, hey, let's keep the dessert for later, let's enjoy dinner now" he said softly.

"Okay Mr. Cross!"; he loved to call him that, making fun of him a little.

The dinner was delicious and after everything was sorted out, they moved into the living room sitting on the floor on the carpet, by the fireplace, as they often liked to do. As she hugged him tenderly, Buck took all the courage in his body and told her: "D.J., you know I love you so much and that I thank the gods every day for giving me the opportunity to be with you. I've been thinking about this for a while now and it seems like the time has come to share it with you "

"What's up Buck, is everything okay?"

At that moment Buck knew that however things had turned out, that was what he wanted, to build a family with her and why not, have a baby right away. He told her: "Everything is fine and it could be even better." He stood up suddenly, knelt in front of her, with his beautiful face lit by the firelight and his black hair falling partly over his face, and said to her, pulling the ring out of his pocket: "Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

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