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" hello Akira, you look beautiful tonight...." I sed with a closed eyes smile as I held my hand out for her to grab and get up from the bench she's sitting.

" You as well." She said grabbing my hand and getting up from the bench she was sitting. " this night is all about you..Now what do you wanna do first??? " I asked with a tilt of my head. "I don't know....maybe play some games and eat something afterwards??" She said looking around like a lost puppy. " Right... What's first " I sed looking for some festival games.

"Urm...what about that " she pointed towards a nearby game which looked like it was a balloon dart game. In which you you throw darts at a board with balloons attached. You get three tries and if you won you get to choose the price.

We walked over to it and I paid for the both of us. She went first and try to win something but failed miserably. She looked so sad too. I just patted the shorter girl and I won from the first try. The look on the vendors face made me laugh but I choked back my laughter and proceeded and told Akira to choose her price.

"Really!!!" She said in suprise and overwhelming amount of happiness lacing her voice. " Yep. Now choose what you want." I sed as I slipped my hand in the sleeves of my kimono.

She taped her chin for sometime choosing on what stuff toy she is gonna take. Finally chose one. A cow?. "I'm gonna call it daisy cause it remind me of that flower." She said in a childish manner as she hugged her stuffy. I couldn't help but chuckle as it remind me of the day I went out with muzan to a festival.

I can't ignore the pang I feel when I reminisce about him or any memory i had with him. It feels like my heart gets broken all over again. It hurt so bad sometimes- most of the time I want to rip my heart out.

Then we went to another game named "cake walk!?  What the heck is that !?" Akira said dumbfounded. " So it is basically music chair. Participants walk or jump to squares with numbers on it. And when the music stop one person would call out one number and the person on it will get a cake or cupcakes as a price. Hence the name. " I explained as Akira listened to me tentatively. She decided to join and I just watched as the participants including Akira jump about on squares. Finally the music stoped and one of the people there called out a number coincidentally being the one Akira was on.

She let out a excited squeel as she jumped up and down. She looked so adorable. She got a velvet lava cake and we decided to go somewhere to eat the large cake. We sat down on a yet another bench and split the cake in to two equal parts. We ate the cake peacefully. We both melted in to the first bite we took. The sweet flavour melted on our tongue as we are the whole cake.

We decided to play games again. We played lots of games such as leep frog. Catching goldfish and a few more. Suddenly I got the urge to eat indicating I was hungry as both our stomachs growled. And we saw the perfect game for it too. An eating contest.

We both went and had two options for food. They had to choose from eating meat and other meat included food or the vegan option that include fruits and other food made out of them. I decided to take the vegan option as well as Akira. We sat down next to one another as the crowd looked on in shoke as to we being the first women To participate in this afternoon . The men started to snicker about how we were at a disadvantage and other stuff. They have underestimated the wrong people.

Soon the contest began the other people started eating like some pigs we both ate peacefully and silently soon people started to give up on winning as there was only few people standing. Then the timer went out and they started to announce the 1st,2nd and 3rd places.

I patiently sat there as they sed the 3rd winner 75 plates and for the 2nd it was Akira with 100 plates eaten and the first was....me. with 250 plates eaten. The crowd stood shocked as I got my price and went away with Akira close behind me. " So, you have a big appetite." She said giggling. " Sure why not. That is one word to describe it." I said smiling and wiping my mouth with a handkerchief.

We once again sat on a bench staring at the stars shining bright like gems in the sky. " So did you enjoy this??" I asked looking at her. "Mhmmmm" she hummed as she still looked at the sky in turn her baby pink eyes glowed with the stars bright light shining on her delicate looking features. This was perfect. More perfect than the day he proposed.

Living a normal, happy life surrounded by kindness and love from the people I loved . An expecting a child or children in less than a months time. This was my dream since I was a little boy. I closed my eyes to get a moment of peace but it only lasted a couple of seconds as my eyes shot open from the blood curdling screams  of people accompanied by a strong aura.

My eyes shot open as I automatically stood up in a protective manner in front of Akira and holding my stomach protectively as my eye pupil turn to be cat like and claws and fangs elongated.

" Kokoshibo! What happened....why are you like...this!! " Akira's voice cracked as she saw the chaos roll out Infront of her.

I started to growl as a figure peeked out from the smoke ,fire and destruction happening around us.

"Hyo hyo long time no see uppermoon one!!!" The figure said as it got more clear to see who and what it was that
Was who caused this much destruction.

" Giyoko!!" I spat with venom laced in my voice as I changed my form into my real one. "Uppermoon..one??! Kokoshibo why is he refering to you that way....are you upper moons one?" Akira said clenching her kimono where was her heart as tears streamed down her face. She bit her bottom lip to not let out any sound.

" Ex-uppermoon one. Now go hide somewhere far from here I will explain to you later. Now runnn!!!!" I yelled as I pointed out some where as she ran away

Continued in next chapter.
Helloooo fellow readers how's your day going, yes this is two days behind so what oh yeah I maybe publish another chap today or tomorrow or some other day if I want to. So how's the chapter I think it is pretty good and long

I'm so excited and giddy for the next chapter you guys!!! The chap will in two parts as usual I'm praying that that fight would be good and I will maybe add our adorable flowerr breather in the fight too. I promise you will see her in a different light than before cause I have big plans for her. Y'all I ve planning this for approximately a month's time so make sure to tell me of it's good or bad and as usual I hope your having a great day or night and as always

Remember to be hydrated and drink plenty of water

Your beloved
~A/n Chan~

✦  🆃🅷🅴 🅻🅾🆅🅴 🅾🅵 🆃🅷🅴 🆂🆄🅽 🅰🅽🅳 🅼🅾🅾🅽 ☆✦ { KOKOSHIBO X MUZAN }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora