Briana stormed up the stairs bursting into Caroline's room when she returned home. Her anger still eating her alive. 

"Did you know about Damon's idiotic plan?" Briana burst through the door to Caroline's bedroom startling her younger sister who was sitting on her bed. 

"Woah Bri calm down." Caroline sat up straight giving her sister her full attention. Briana took a deep breath. 

"Damon is full of idiotic plans I'm going to need you to be more specific about which one you are talking about." Caroline joked looking up at her sister paced back and forth. 

"The one where he's planning to kill Klaus." Briana spoke, still pacing. 

"Oh that one. Yeah. I knew about it." Caroline said nonchalantly as Briana stopped in her tracks. 

"And you didn't think it was something you should mention?" Briana rose her voice as she turned to face her sister. The agitation present in her voice. Caroline looked at her sister slightly confused as to why she was so mad.

"I'm sorry! I figured Damon would tell you your role in it once he figured everything out. What's the big deal?" Caroline spoke innocently. 

It was in that moment that Caroline had no clue. Since Briana got back into town things have been so chaotic that she hasn't had the time to tell Caroline about her summer. About Klaus. 

Briana sighed giving her sister an apologetic look for her outburst. Briana knew Caroline would never hurt her on purpose, which is why her knowledge of the plan was so upsetting, but she calmed down realizing her sister didn't know the extent of her connection with Klaus. 

"I think it's time we talk about my summer away." 


Briana spent hours filling Caroline in on every little detail of her summer with Klaus and Stefan. The werewolf hunting, the failed hybrid attempts, the late night talks with Klaus and the connection they formed. How deep their connection really is. 

It was the first time since she had been home she let anyone see her cry. Over Klaus, over everything that happened at the school, over the fact that he left her without even saying goodbye. 

At the end of the conversation, Briana was pleasantly surprised about how supportive and comforting her sister was about the entire situation. Briana wasn't and idiot. She knew that Klaus was no one in this groups favorite person, but of all of them, Caroline would be the one to put her differences with him aside for the sake of her sister's happiness. 

When Briana finally finished, she looked down to see Caroline's hand comfortingly on top of hers. Caroline lifted her hand to wipe some stray tears from Briana's face. Briana sending her a thankful smile. 

"I'm sorry, you must think I'm awful." Briana sniffled as she wiped another tear. 

"Bri, you're my sister I'm always going to love you, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to judge your questionable choice in men. Even if they have a British accent" Caroline smiled making light of the situation. 

Briana cracked a smile and slight laugh at the response. 

 Caroline was always able to make Briana smile even on her worst days since they were little girls. She could make light of any situation just like she was doing now, and most importantly she always has Briana's back. 


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