My Bloody Fairytale

Start from the beginning

          The kings copper eyes examined me in the same manner as the cat. His silver hair was set in a neat ponytail that made mine look like a two-year-olds play toy. His pale skin made his eyes stand out. He was dressed in old-fashioned clothing. A long black cloak hung over his body and what looked like dark trousers framed his legs. I pulled my gaze onto the ground and suddenly the tiles became very interesting.

      “Hello Rose.” His voice was calm. I trembled.

         “I hear it’s your birthday today. Happy sweet sixteen.”  There was a mocking tone in his voice.

     “Get to the point, please? I doubt you came here and sent me up to my room just to tell me that. And what’s with this Kurenai crap? Are you the one who planted that name into my mothers head!!?” I yelled, my voice breaking and growing stronger at some points. My father hands nearly broke my bones and my moms gasp could have been heard from a mile away. The king just laughed.

        “Ah, it seems as though you are right. I have not come all this way to congratulate you and I did not plant the name into Lady Hannah’s head, she chose to call you that.” He licked his fangs and his eyes twitched slightly. I turned as much as my father allowed and looked at my mother. “Is this true? Where did you get Katiana from?” I asked. She stayed still and gave me an apologetic look.

         “Might as well get this little meeting over with. I’m short on time. Rose, I hear by name you Katiana. Katiana Vasillisa Youngblood. You are now my daughter, step daughter, adopted daughter. Whichever you prefer. You will be living with me and the Angels. Pack your bags, you no longer have the right to be in here unless as a guest.”

   My mouth dropped to the ground. Was I being punk’d? Because if I was I swear someone was going to get hurt.  I looked at my mom for comfort but she wouldn’t meet my eyes. My father let go and stepped away, blocking the exit. I had never felt so alone in my entire life. They were just standing back and letting me go? What kind of parents were they! Tears were threatening to leak and I pushed them back.

        “This is insane! Are you crazy! You can’t just drag me out of my house and suddenly declare me as one of your own!! I’m a whole different species for heaven sake!!!” I threw my hands up in an agitated gesture. What the hell, what the hell, what the hell!!!!!!!

          “Ah, my dear Katiana. That is where you are horribly wrong. I am the king and you will do as I say. You are now royalty.” The king smirked, revealing his fangs. Anger boiled in me.

      “I will do no such thing! I am not royalty, and I don’t give a damn if you are the flipping king, you have no right to take me away from my family for no reason whatsoever!” My voice rang out.

              “I do everything for a reason.” He laughed a mysterious glint in his eyes. I had the urge to take a long step back, and to my dismay, I did. The king knew I was scared and that just proved his suspicions.  I once again looked at my parents for one last strand of hope but the looks on their faces told me that no hope would be given. I was not a fool; I knew what kings would do to people who refused their orders. So, I gave up and decided to follow….well, first I thought about bolting and if I did get caught (which was a very great possibility because the king could run a bazillion times faster than me) then I would be forced to live as his daughter. So that’s what I did. I bolted.

           I pushed my father out of the way, kicked open the door and just ran blindly. Hell, I had no idea if I was going left or right I just ran. I guess the king liked a chase, because he let me go as far as half-way through the forest before he ran after me. This was to my advantage though. I loved the forest and I knew ways of hiding my scent. I refused to live with the angels…or the king. Hell, I refused to live with anything non-human, period! I ducked under a fallen branch and crawled until I found a whole in the ground. My secret hide out. It was covered with leaves and branches and dirt, it looked normal and my scent would be blocked out. At least I thought. Let us just say, things didn’t turn out as planned.  In a matter of mere seconds, he poked his head and his copper eyes met my golden-green ones. Busted.

          When I was finally dragged home, I found all my belongings were already packed and my parents were more than willing to ship me off to live with a family of royal leeches. What a trip. In the end, after 30 minutes of me kicking and screaming…well, more cursing then anything else, I was hauled into a very expensive looking car, buckled up, and shipped off to live with monsters. I didn’t even bother looking back when my parents said goodbye. I just stared out the car, watching the world I knew and loved whirling away as the car went faster. Before I knew it, the car came to an abrupt stop and I practically flew into the seat in front of me, which was preoccupied by the King. He chuckled to himself and I froze slightly, jerking back.

       “My daughter, we have arrived. Get out.” He commanded lightly. “I am not your daughter.” I growled whilst staying in my spot in the car, muscles tensed. He opened the car door and gave me an annoyed stare.

   “Get out or I will force you too.” He demanded, showing a well-tipped fang. That did the trick; I pounced out of the car and kept a good distance from him as I looked at my surroundings. Holy shish kebabs, this place was huge and beautiful. Weeping willows covered the floor along with ponds and such. The grass was as green as it would get and the mansion…fit for a king. It was HUGE and black. It was as if a castle ripped out from a fairytale. It had pointy tops, a huge door, many windows and rooms by the look of it, and it must have cost a damn fortune. The castle was surrounded by water and a drawbridge was set allowing vampires to cross. The king gripped my hand and pulled me without warning and a startled yelp escaped from my lips from his tight grip. I tried to fight him but he would not allow it and growled at me angrily.

      “Katiana, stop this nonsense!” He scolded. I did not listen. He gave up and just dragged me all the way to the castle. If I thought the outside was prefect, then the inside blew my mind. Gold, everything was gold. The walls, the stairs, the hallways, the floor. Beautifully carved statues and suits of armor decorated the hallways and a huge spiral staircase reaching all the way to the top of the castle was nestled in the middle. Damn pricks were living the good life.

      “Angels.” The king stated. I had to strain my ears to hear what he had said but once I made sense of his words my heart started running a mile. The angels, the kings ruthless children. They were feared by everyone, vampire to human and everything that lay in between. They were killers and who over came across them never got the chance to tell the tale. No one ever really saw the Angels unless it was for bloodshed. Well, aren’t I the lucky one.

   In a flash, three males materialized in front of me and I froze. They were all beautiful, with their well built bodies and their pale skin. I had a burning hatred for them already.

  “My sons, come forth and introduce yourself.” He commanded and they immediately obeyed.   The first one who stepped up was known as Lucian. He had bleach blonde hair that was swept to the side casually and mesmerizing light blue eyes. His face was flawless and he flashed me a dazzling predatory smile. I grimaced at him. The next was Genesis, he had reddish-brown hair. More red then brown and it was shaggy yet adorable on him. His eyes were a copper color like his fathers with hints of red. His eyes sized me and he gave me a crooked grin. I didn’t bother to smile back.

     The last was the most arrogant of them all. He did not bother introducing himself and only glared at me with hatred. He had black hair that was unkept and fell over his midnight purple eyes. I gave him a glare back.

     “My sons, this is your sister, Katiana-“ The king started but I didn’t let him finish. “I refuse to be a sibling with these murderers. Or to be anywhere near leeches like you!” I yelled, eyeing them down. The kings copper eyes grew dark and his façade dropped for only a second. He brought a well-tipped nail up to my face and sliced a nice pink line on my face. The Angels shivered slightly and snarled with hunger.

       “You are with Vampires now, my daughter. You are in the house of killers. Surely, a petty human like yourself won’t stand a chance against the vampires crawling around. You’re blood, is after all, very mesmerizing. You’re royalty now Katiana Vasilissa Youngblood. Start acting like it. Angels, teach her what has to be known.” With that, he disappeared before I was able to blink. He had left me with the Angels. The killers. I was as good as dead.

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