Chapter 1: Dear Luo Binghe...

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I recommend reading this fic after having read all four volumes of the book series SVSSS in case I accidentally gave you any spoilers. Because I will mention Shen Qingqiu's and Luo Binghe's relationship and also mention a chapter that happened in the fourth volume.

Also, remember, this is a fanfiction. We know LiuShen is not cannon and this is all made by my imagination. Lots of places in this story were made up too but I made sure not to add many OCs because I personally dislike it when there are people I don't know in fan fiction. Thus they're here only to fill the background.

I'm also quite busy with work and won't be able to post often. But I'll do my best...

Thank you for understanding and I hope y'all enjoy the book:) 

It was about past midnight. The whole palace was quiet. Some guards still kept on watch but the peace of the night was unreplaceable. Shen Qingqiu was wide awake. Eyes twitching as if they begged to be closed and could drift off to sleep but Shen Qingqiu remained stubbornly awake. Why should he sleep, alright?

Now, you're probably wondering why he's not asleep. Was it because he couldn't or that he didn't want to sleep? He didn't want to. These past few days Luo Binghe was pain in the ass. Shen Qingqiu just wanted a single moment alone. And since he couldn't have that, he at least decided not to sleep today so he wouldn't have to meet his childish lover in his dream since he always got sucked into Luo Binghe's dream realm. Give him a minute of peace!

Now, don't misunderstand, Luo Binghe was a great person, he treated Shen QIngqiu very nicely but he was there all the time.

Morning; the first thing Shen Qingqiu saw: Luo Binghe

Noon; the person tailing him: Luo Binghe.

Afternoon; Luo Binghe was still there.

Evening till he fell asleep; Luo Binghe was there.

Ah, finally some peace in his dreams- NO, LUO BINGHE IS RIGHT THERE TOO.

"Shizun.. am I annoying?" whimpered Luo Binghe once when Shen Qingqiu tried to bring this topic up. Shen Qingqiu mentally cursed when tears started rolling down the protagonist's adorable face and automatically started soothing him that no, he wasn't annoying and just please, stop crying.

Can you blame him? Shan Qinghua warned him several times by saying that was not a normal relationship Shen QIngqiu and Luo Binghe shared. That truly looked like Luo Binghe was a kindergartener and Shen Qingqiu was his teacher.

And now the Shizun lay in his bed, back-facing Luo Binghe and trying to keep his eyes open. He was getting doubts. Sure, he likes Luo Binghe, they've been through so much together etc. They even slept together but come on! Was this truly normal? Luo Binghe was a lamb but Shen QIngqiu truly saw him more as his own son who he had, by chance, sex with.

I mean that happens in every family, right? The father happens to sleep with his own kid- no? Oh. Alright then.

But if Shen QIngqiu actually decided he no longer wishes to be with Luo Binghe, what would happen if he abandoned this child again? Another end of the world?! When being with Luo Binghe, you must be careful not to shatter his glass heart. Shen Qingqiu knew he himself was at fault for making his heart made of glass and then shattering it accidentally so many times. He decided long ago, he will reap what he sow.

Luo Binghe hummed in his sleep and furrowed his brows and as if in discomfort. He probably disliked that his beloved Shizun didn't appear in his dream. He rolled over to him beneath the sheets and wrapped his arms around his waist, a little smile appearing on his face again.

Shen Qingqiu sighed.

Luo Binghe was just a kid, after all. He reached out instinctively for his fan to hit that little lamb's head only to remember he had left it at Qing Jing Peak the last time they visited.

Where was Liu Qingge bringing him his fan when he needed it?

Honestly, he missed him. But not only him, of course. He just felt a little bad for not being able to return to Cang Qiong mountain as often as he wished to. He usually visited three times a year, maybe four times, but that wasn't much. He managed to say hi to the other peak lords, clean his bamboo house, see how his disciples are doing, how much they've grown and then have a cup of tea with Liu Qingge.

Then the hardest part was to leave the Cang Qiong mountain and escape Liu Qingge, since his Shidi never let him leave with Luo Binghe again.

Shen Qingqiu WOULD stay a little longer, but you get it- Luo Binghe.

Luo Binghe was hated on the peak and became restless when his Shizun wasn't around. And thus Shen Qingqiu had to adapt.

And as Shen Qingqiu felt his own eyelids betraying him and his mind drifting off to sleep, there came a loud crash...

For the fourth time this week...

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