11. These high walls.

Start from the beginning

"No, please don't." Says Arthur, but they probably don't hear him.

His arms are being pulled, he hears people shouting and Arthur does his best to keep his face covered, but he is so afraid that the phones are pushed in his face.

"Walk. I'm with you." One hand grabs his arm and another hand lies on his back and pushes him forward. He hears Charles' voice talking to him and they walk faster.

"Almost there." Says Charles, and then they arrive at the gates, Charles scans Arthur's pass and the younger boy walks on.

“What happened?” Lorenzo asks and takes Arthur's arm from Charles.

"A group of girls grabbed him and were pulling him, also trying to pull up the hood, I think to see who's underneath." Says Charles.

"Are you okay?" Lorenzo asks and Arthur nods softly.

He can breathe again.

"Let's keep walking." Says Lorenzo and keeps holding Arthur's arm while he drags the younger boy with him.

Arriving at Ferrari hospitality, Arthur takes off his hood and sits down on a chair.

He's still out of breath and his legs feel like they could give out under him.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you we were walking through that." Says Charles and Arthur shrugs.

"I didn't expect them to grab me." Says Arthur, and Charles shook his head.

"They shouldn't have done that." Says Charles and Arthur looks at his mother who's looking everywhere but at him.

"Can I grab you something?" Asks Charlotte, and Arthur shook his head.

"No, thank you." He says and Charlotte smiles at him.

Arthur looks down at the hoodie in his hands and holds it close to him. He's happy that he has something in his hands.

"He's not doing good." Arthur hears Lorenzo whispering to Charlotte, and he looks at them while they are both looking at him.

"Okay, what are we going to do?" Asks Maman to Charles.

"First I have a meeting with the team, you guys can walk around or sit here, whatever you want. Then we can lunch together, and we can go to the garage and I will show you some things if you want. Then I have drivers parade and then I have to get ready for the race." Says Charles.

"Where are we waiting for the race?" Ask Maman.

"On the balcony, you have a nice see with the straight line." Says Charles.

"Seeing you win." Says Maman and Charles laughs.

"I hope so." He says.

"F2 starts soon, you want to watch the race from up there or in my motorhome?" Asks Charles to Arthur.

"Up there if I can, that's cool." Says Arthur and Charles nods.

"If you need anything just ask." Says Charles and Arthur nods.

Charles walks away after saying goodbye and when Arthur looks up he sees his mother crouching in front of him.

After the conversation, Arthur only feels further away from her than it had brought them closer.

He feels like he has to protect himself from her and he hates this feeling. She doesn't love him like she loves his brothers. They don't have the bond she has with them, and they probably never will anymore.

It hurts him.

All he wants is to hug her, let her tell him that everything will be okay in the end, but will it be? He doesn't think so.

Go easy on me~ Dennis/ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now