Little Raven (Requested)

142 1 1

Caregiver:Apple and Maddie


Age range:1


Raven was very close to slipping, she was running to her room as fast as she can.

Apple will be out for the day so she will have time to regress.

She got to their shared room and opened the door and went to her side of the room looking for spidey, her stuffed spider.

She pulled out and cuddled it, she changed out of her big girl clothes and put on a onesie.

The only one who knows about her little side is Maddie. Maddie is her caregiver whenever she's in little space. 

She already made a bottle of milk, that she magic up and started drinking it while watching Mickey Mouse.

She didn't hear the door opened or anything. It's not until there was a gasp she looked towards Apple's side of the Room and saw Apple and Maddie.

Maddie looking worriedly at Apple and Apple standing there in shock.

As soon as she saw Apple her eyes began to fill with tears and she began to quietly sob.

Maddie went over to comfort her friend.

"Hey Rav, it's okay I promise" Maddie said trying to comfort her.

"S not kay!" She snapped still crying but then went to hugged Maddie tightly.

"m sorry idn't mwean wo" Raven apologized putting her face in Maddie's neck.

Apple snapped out of her shocked state and also went to comfort Raven.

"Hey Raven, it's okay I promise I'm not mad" Apple reassured her.

"Pomise?" She repeated. "Now how about we watch a movie?" Apple suggested.

"Yeah, can we watch Black-widow?" Raven asked shyly.

"no problem!" Apple told her.

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