Chapter Three: Arrival

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"So, you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon." Mal suggested "Like wands and things like that?" "Yeah, it's there but that stuff is all kinda retired now, y'know." Ben explained "Most of us are just ordinary mortals." "Who happen to be princes and princesses." Mal countered "That's true, our royal blood lines go back thousands of years." Audrey told them as she put Ben's arm around her only for him to take it away and call "Doug." towards a boy looking down at an iPad as he came downstairs "Doug, come down here." the trumpet player in the school band came down before Ben introduced him "This is Doug. He's gonna help you with your schedules and show you the dorms. I'll see you guys later, okay? And if there's anything you need feel free to ask..." "Doug!" Audrey interrupted Ben before they walked away leaving them.

"Hi guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Happy, Grumpy, Bashful, Sleepy, Sneezy and..." he stopped as he saw Evie "High-ho." "I'm Evie, Evil Queen's daughter." she greeted walking up to him and twirling her hair "Ha, shocker." Hadley scoffed as she followed Mal so they could look at Doug's IPad "Anyway, about your classes. I put in the requirements already. History of Woodsman, Safety Rules for the Internet, and" he paused "Remedial Goodness 101." "Let me guess," Mal started "New class?" Hadley finished, knowing how much it annoyed Mal "Uh, yeah." Doug nodded "C'mon guys, let's go find our dorms." Mal ordered leading the others up except Hadley who doesn't follow Mal blindly, "Are they going the right way?" she asked Doug who shook his head "Hey guys!" she called getting there attention "Uh, the dorms are that way." Doug pointed to the opposite direction that they were going "Dopey, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, Sneezy, and..." "Doc." Carlos told him as they walked away.

In the girls very bright and pink dorm Mal gagged as Evie practically squealed. Hadley didn't really have an opinion, sure she was more into blue and liked the shade but it's not like this room would kill her. "This is ama-" Evie started "Gross." Mal interupted "Yeah, amazingly gross." Evie corrected before opening her mouth in a soundless scream "Ugh, I'm gonna need some serious sunscreen." Mal gagged "Girls," she ordered and they went to shut the blinds of course Evie gave herself a second to enjoy the view. "Phew!" Mal sighed "That was much needed." "And much better." Hadley added and went to sit on the bed she decided to claim as her own.

That night the girls entered the boys dorm which was much better then the girls'. Carlos was happily playing his game and Jay was counting his stolen objects when they entered. "Jay what are you doing?" Mal asked as she lead the other two through there dorm "It's called stealing." Jay said "We see that, but why?" Hadley added before walking away not waiting to hear the answer "Well girls, it's like buying anything I want, but it's free." he told them. Mal scoffed "Okay, you can do that, or you can leave all of that here and pick it up when we take over the world." "You sound like your mom." Evie noted from behind them "Thank you." Mal gasped at the 'complement' "You do it your way, and i'll do it mine." Jay said turning to see Haldey playing Carlos' game and him not too happy about it "Die, suckers!" Hadley yelled and giggled "Sorry, Carlos." she said giving him his game back "Hey, Jay, you have to try this." Carlos called "It's awesome." Hadley added. Jay took the controllers and started playing both Carlos and Hadley being 'backseat drivers' "Guys!" Mal called to their attention.

"Do I have to remind you what we're doing here?!" she asked "Fairy Godmother... Blah blah blah. Magic wand... Blah blah blah." Jay blabbed and Hadley chuckled "This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents." everyone froze "To prove we are evil, and vicious, and ruthless, and cruel. Yeah?" she suggested "Yeah," everyone agreed solemnly. "E, mirror me." Mal said as she sat at the table everyone coming around them "Mirror, mirror on the... In my hand, where does Fairy Godmother's wand... stand?" she told it and it pulled up a picture of the wand surrounded by blue "There it is!" Mal beamed "Yeah, but where?" Hadley asked "Magic mirror, not so close." the picture zoomed out to show all of earth "Zoom in." Carlos told her "Closer." Evie started repeating until it showed a picture of a sign that said 'The museum of cultural history' "Stop!" Mal yelled "It's in a museum? Do we know where that is?" Jay asked "2.3 miles from here." Carlos told them, showing them his computer well Jay's stolen computer.

Descendants 1 - Hadley; Daughter of HadesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon