
Upon opening my green eyes, I find a breathing mask strapped to my face and John sitting next to me. His face is resting in his hands and he's tapping his foot impatiently. "John" I softly croak as I try to move my right hand towards him. He looks up at me and stops tapping his foot, blue eyes showing relief.

"Harry!" He softly whimpers. "I've called Evelyn and told her what's happened. She freaked out so much! She's coming to see you when we get to the hospital." John politely informs me. I groan loudly as leg goes numb and chills flow down my spine uncomfortably. "What happened back at the house?" I wheezily ask John as my green eyes look up at him.

"Well," he clears his throat, "I came in and found you in pain on the floor with a bullet in your leg. I called for an ambulance and then called for backup on the scene. You were in so much agony from me putting pressure on the wound. When the paramedics came they put on the ambulance and strapped you on. Now here you are, weak and fragile. I hope you get better Haz. The other guys can work the case while you're in hospital. We're close to it, hold in there."

John strokes my hand up and down comforting me. Managing to crack a faint smile, I reassure him that I'm going to be ok. My head feels like a mirror that's shattered into a million pieces. Every inch of my body aches. I must've hit the floor pretty hard and lost a reasonable amount of blood.

All I can think is Evelyn and the distraught that I've put her in. My eyelids are starting to feel heavy as they droop down and cover my eyes. I find myself dosing off to the pain of my leg but comfort of my best friend here with me.


"He's in here. Harry just had surgery so he's resting." The nurse addresses someone outside my room. The door creaks open and footsteps approach my bed. "Oh Harry..." I recognize Evelyn's trembling tone. She presses her warm lips on my forehead and tussles gently with my curls.

My eyes open and eyelashes lightly brush against Evelyn's chin. Her hands cozily cup my face and her worried hazel eyes look directly into mine. "Oh Harry..." She trembles for the second time. Evelyn fits her snug nose in the crook of my neck. Her lips quiver and warm tears glide down her face. I turn my head and he kiss the meaningful tears away gently, brushing my delicate lips on Evelyn's cheek.

"You promised you'd be careful..." She reminds me before pulling away and sitting down on the bed next to me. My arm lifts up slightly to make way for Evelyn and then rests on her lap. My fingers twine around hers and she gives them a pleasant squeeze. "Everything's going to be fine babe, please don't lose your faith." I reassure Evelyn.

Her eyes look down at me sympathetically. "Fine? You got shot in the leg and fell so hard that the doctors worry you have a concussion!" She quietly yells. "I've been shot before," I recall, "It's just at what impact I fell, I'll be alright it's just that my head's spinning right now."

Evelyn unsteadily shifts her body on the bed before placing another sweet kiss on my forehead. "I'm not going anywhere, I'll be here with you." She whispers as she picks herself off the bed and sits on the chair next to me, fingers still looped with mine.

"Get some rest Harry. It's been a hell of weekend and now a lovely start to the week. All this is too much for us. Your leg is going to heal in no time, I'm sure of it." Evelyn's voice faint as her thumb skims the top of my hand. Her humble voice coos me to sleep and I hazily shut my green orbs, knowing that Evelyn is here by my side.


Breezy conversations fill the atmosphere in between people wishing me to 'get well soon' and leaving balloons and cards on the table. Evelyn converses with my co-workers as she takes sips of her hot coffee and glances at me.

"Don't worry Harry, we'll get whoever did this to you!" John reassures, "We will get this son of a bitch for murder and attempted murder of an FBI agent, double trouble!" Everyone in the room murmurs in agreement as they nod their heads up and down. My head feels better and I smile and thank everyone.

"It's getting late, we should get going. Evelyn will take great care of you." John suggest as he pats her gently on the back. Everyone says their goodbyes and ushers out of the room. Finishing off her coffee, Evelyn places the foam cup in the bin and takes her previous position in the chair next to me.

"That was nice of them, coming here and giving you presents." She warmly smiles. "Yeah it was. I'm so glad I have them and above all, you." I reply. "How's your leg and head? Any better?" Evelyn's asks me with concern. "Leg still hurts but it's nothing and my head is heaps better, doesn't feel like broken glass anymore."

Evelyn yawns loudly, signifying that she's tired. "Get some sleep babe, you look exhausted." I tell her. She shakes her head hazily, "I told you, I'm not going anywhere. If you're here then I'm here too." She remarks slightly pouting out her bottom lip.

"Come sleep next to me." I offer as I scoot over to one side of the bed slowly. Evelyn looks at me like 'are you sure?' I signal her to come over and lay down next to me. Her petite figure lifts up from the chair as she makes her way next to me. Her legs nicely tucked under each other, Evelyn places one of her hands on my chest.

"Goodnight." I whisper in her ear as I place a sweet kiss on her forehead. She digs her nose in the crook of my neck and smoothly untangles my golden brown curls with her fingers. My arm right next to Evelyn's, I softly grip her fingers with mine. My green eyes close, knowing that I'm safe. A faint smile remains on my face as I fall asleep.



SURPRISE! This is the second last chapter in this fanfic!!

Ahah don't worry, I'm currently working on the last chapter (ch 15)

After this book is completed, I'm making a sequel called 'More Than A Memory'

Enjoy your reading

Ily :*


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