22. confession on the rooftop

Start from the beginning

Naturally, he couldn't help but think of how absurd that was.

"Why would you let your lover come into this world? And taking the role of someone who died multiple times? Are you sure you love him?" He asked jokingly. "Besides, he seems rather obsessed with that girl who looks similar to you, and he's also attached to this world, are you sure he's a human?"

「that's why I told you he's confused,」the system sound sad.「something must have happen for him to behave this way. Usually, he would be obedient and go back, but this time, he raised his voice at me and told me to leave. He doesn't seem to realize that he's a human. This has never happened before.」

Somehow, Kai can imagine the face that woman must have made right now, and he can't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

Different from the virtual one, the (Y/n) in the real life was six years older than him, and the transfer student was too ashamed to say that she was actually his first childhood crush. He saw her acting when she was a teenager, and decided to enter the entertainment industry for her. He then became an idol until the group disbanded and he immediately went to acting. Unfortunately, by that time, she already had a lover, and that lover wasn't someone that he can compete with.

ーbut to think that her lover was actually that lunatic.

Sure, beside drugging him and trapping him in that cramped space, the protagonist didn't really do anything that would physically harm him, and he also did that while not knowing his real identity, but who's to say that he won't behave like that in real life when he has already acted like that in the virtual world?

Still, he doesn't want Ms. (L/n) to feel sad.

"You don't need to bring me back. Iー I will help you. I will make it so that he wanted to go back."

He's probably confused of his identity. Was staying too long here cause that side effect? Kai thought. In that case, I should end this quickly. He grabbed Chen Miao and pushed him down so that he would lie on the bed. Before the protagonist could protest, the transfer student wrapped him up with a blanket.

"Weren't you sick? Just stay here until the classes are done, you don't want (Y/n) to be worried right?"

"I'm notー"

Chen Miao was taken by suprised when the man started to spray him with sanitizer.

"Just stay put. Weren't you the one who told me that hands have germs? What about the bacterias inside you? Surely you don't want her to be infected, right?"

"But Iー"

He sprayed him once again. "Or do you want me to drag (Y/n) here to scold you instead?"

That finally earned his obedience.

"Good, now just stay here. You're still going to see your beloved once the classes ended anyway." He sighed, putting down the sanitizer that he picked up from the nurse's desk to where it belong.

Kai then walked out of the infirmary, feeling satisfied that he finally got his revenge by spraying that sanitizer. He recalled how weak and helpless he was back then when Chen Miao insisted on scrabbing his hands, he huffed, never again would he let himself be bullied like that.

The piercing sound of the class bell ringing indicated that it was lunch time. You looked at the empty seat of the protagonist and wondered, had your teasing gone too far that Chen Miao would go as far as to stay in the infirmary? He wasn't even really sick so was he avoiding you? You frowned dejectedly at the assumption.

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