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"I'll come," Ygritte couldn't say no. She knew what could happen, but she also knew how much she loved the tall, strong man infont of her. She took a couple steps forward, turned around and extended her hand, "Come on then, while no ones looking!"

Jon rushed up to catch her. They had been walking for four hours. Continuously talking about complete and utter nonsense. They both didn't care about where they were, as long as they had each other. It was coming close to night fall when they came across a small abandoned house. It wasnt much but it would make do.

"Look over there," Jon spoke in a soft voice in case this house wasn't completely abandoned, "A fireplace!".

"A fireplace without wood isn't going to do us any good", Ygritte laughed to herself.

"Then I guess I'll go out and get some, you stay here. I may not know much but I know that you can handle yourself when you have that bow", Jon said this with a smile, waiting for Ygritte to smile as well. Her face was stern, for about two seconds. She couldn't hold in her laugh any longer.

"Okay okay", she laughed, "go get us some fire wood before we freaze".

Jon nodded and headed out the door. He couldn't see much kindiling or logs of wood anywhere. He didn't want to travel to far incase Ygritte got into trouble at the house. He lapped the house slowly picking up twigs and sticks, not finding much.

"Jon!", Ygritte shouted.

Jon ran back into the house. He had already pulled Longclaw out of the sheath, ready to attack. Ghost, Jon's massive white dire wolf, was standing at Ygritte's feet. Face to face, nose to nose.

"Ghost", Jon leaped forward and wrapped both arms around the wolf's neck. "Where have you been? I missed you boy".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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