Chapter One

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We walk into the big room of the swimming pool, the chlorine flooding my nose. You twitch your nose too, the smell being very strong for a change. In control, you take me over to the deep end and start talking to the lifeguard on duty. My hand still in yours, I can't walk away. Awkwardly, I cross one foot over the other and wait, not daring to take a look at you.  

"Who's your friend?" The lifeguard says, you pull on my hand and I fall into you, your arm wraps protectively around my waist. 

"This, is my girlfriend." Your what? This is news even to me. 

"Oh, nice to meet you - what's your name?" He holds his hand out.  

"My name is Luna." I put my free hand in his and shake his hand. 

"Nice name - I'm Jake. Right, I'd better do my job now. I'll see you around Pheonix." So Pheonix is your name. Without saying a word to me, you pull me around the side of the pool and then sit down at the edge. As our hands are still entwined, I flop down beside you to save myself the back aches.  

"Luna." My head flicks around to face you. 

"Pheonix." I reply. 

"Hi." You chuckle. 

"Oh. Hi." I smile and look away. 

"Want to swim then?" 


"This, Luna, is a swimming pool. Would you like to actually swim?" You ask me, the words come out of your mouth as though I'm 3. 

"Fine." I yank my hand from yours, stand up, move to the deep end and dive in. Slicing through the water professionally. I swim to the bottom of the pool, my hands sliding along the tiled floor. My eyes are open under water, the chlorine not affecting them the way it should. I see you jump in, you don't dive or do any shape. You hold your nose and cannonball. Instantly you float back to the surface. I shake my head and swim away from you, taking myself all the way up to the shallow end. I don't come up for air at all until I reach where I want to be. As my head emerges from the water, I begin thinking about how rude you were. I don't even know if you were joking or not... But that hurt.

Scanning the pool, I see you at the other end, your head twisting left and right looking for me. Paddling my feet slightly, I move behind a family and slink down as low as I can before my face is under.  

"I came here to relax," I tell myself, "Not to think about pompus boy-ish brats." Closing my eyes, I bring my hands up to my stomach and rest them there; my legs floating in front of me. 

"Dreaming about me, Loon?" Your voice. 

"Did you just call me Loon, Pheonix?" My eyes are open, staring at you. You raise an eyebrow. 

"Yes. Loon, Luna. Not much difference, thought I'd try it." You slide into the water next to me and drape your arm over my shoulder. I stare at your hand which is gently holding my upper arm. Maybe, if I stare enough, it'll burn off. It doesn't.


"Shall we swim then?" You eventually ask. 

"No. Swim on your own." I reply, leaning back and closing my eyes again. 

"No. Swim with me." You insist. I shake my head, gaining water over my face. Spluttering, I flail my hands and sit up. You laugh at me. Angrily I hit you and push off from the wall, swimming anywhere away from you. You follow me though. You push off from the wall too and soon it's almost as if we're racing to the place in my mind. Though in my mind, you're not there with your beautiful smile and that luscious hair. Scratch that, Luna. Don't want to hear it. Don't want to hear about all the contributing factors that make him so adorable. So, he's a brat and up himself. That's better. I think.

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