(Arc 2) Chapter 15

Começar do início

"So you're basically telling that her grace is sick at the moment?"

"Yes, Grielle"

One of your reapers, Grielle, gave a deep sigh. Oh you're confused? Hold on I'll explain.

We're back to the past, let's continue with arc two.

Each Archaic God has their own special soldiers. The God of Creation and Life, your brother, has Harbingers. The God of Cosmos has Guardians of the galaxy. The God of Dexterity has Consultants (did u see some references)

You have Grim reapers or just reapers. Their job is to reap and deliver souls to the netherworld. There are thousands of them, split into divisions that go to different worlds and part of every world.

"I know her lady isn't that physically weak...like how did she survive the academy if she were to be so weak in terms of physical strength?"

Your reaper was correct. Yes you have weak immune strength and could barely handle so much hard labor, but that doesn't mean you can't handle basic exercises like push ups and curl ups

The school you attended to included physical classes for first years. Because a magician needs physical strength to excel in magical strength. But how were you able to acquire such powerful magic? It runs in your family blood

"The fact that i fled to the east for this..." She sighed. She was stationed in the west and she wore a formal suit every reaper would wear doing their job. They would only use cloaks if necessary or  during a ceremony event in the netherworld.

"Then what are we reapers are going to do now!? There's a soul dispute and she's needed to settle it...Her grace is always gone when we needed her the most hmph!" Grielle sulked after flying kilometers just for you to be stuck in bed

"Settle down, I'll take over in the meantime, after all..." Your gege did a twirl on his dress "I do look similar to her in my female form"

"But your voice gives it away! Don't you have a spell to make it more feminine!" Grielle exclaimed making him sweatdrop "Ah...ahaha yes that..."

"The soul dispute can't wait otherwise-" She was interrupted with a voice coming from her pocket, she immediately opened it, it was a watch but had magical powers to act as a modern cellphone.

"Grielle, do you hear me?" a voice emitted from the watch "Walter! Of course i do...hahahaha" She nervously laughed

"Where ARE YOU? You still have a soul to collect at Londinium (old name for london). Once the message is delivered, leave the east. I'm sure her grace will respond" The man who spoke was around his mid 30s

"Ahhh well about that..." Grielle's watch was snatched by  your gege "Hello, Walter?" The man cleared his throat "Your excellency, to what do i owe the pleasure?"

"My meimei is bedridden at the moment, she got poisoned. I'm sorry but she can't attend. You know her flaws already by now" A long silence came but the man then replied "I understand your excellency....Grielle."

He called out to the female reaper "Yes?" The man replied "The viceroy is currently on vacation. Go to the southeast and find Sir Neji. I am sure he can help"

"EHHH??? AGAIN??? Are you kidding me!?" Grielle's eyes widened "But i literally just arrived..." She felt like she was about to pass out "No choice. Sir Neji is a friend her grace trusts the most, now go. This is an order."

Your gege pitied Grielle for being used as an errand runner "That damn Walter ordering me around, ugh...Thank you your excellency, i need to go now" She proceeds to ride on her scythe made from charcoal, it did not stain her clothes a bit

Heaven's Unholy ✿ Heaven Official's Blessing X Genderfluid ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora