Muichiros appearance

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giyus pov

i was walking tanjiro to the cafeteria when i saw the one person i really hoped was absent, muichiro tokito, god i fucking hate him, he thinks he's better than every one around him, it's annoying. he was making ugly faces at me, then his face turned into one of curiosity, i started to wander why until i remembered that tanjiro was with me, which must have confused tokito because im normally alone at lunch time. i stopped when i heard tanjiro ask, "why is he making faces at us? who is he? do you know him?" 

 "thats muichiro tokito, stay away from him, hes just a nobody." 

"oh...ok" tanjiro felt bad that he was considered a nobody.

"...were here, to get lunch, you go in that line," i pointed at the first of two lines, "and to get drinks you go in that line" i pointed at the second line. "right! thank you for helping me find my way here! and if you wouldn't mind...could i maybe sit with you, its just that, i dont really know any one here so..."

"sure" i replied in a laid back tone, though i was quite surprised that somebody would want to sit with me. tanjiro and i got our lunch and sat at the back of the cafeteria, were i always sit, and watch the bird out  the window, but this time it was different, i actually had someone to talk to this time, and i wanted to make it worth while for both me and him. so i tired to start some conversation

"so, tanjiro, why did you move here?"

", well..." i could tell that he didn't want to talk about it, but that just made mew more curious. "go on" i said impatiently 

"well, my parents died and i had nowhere to go, so i came here to live with my grand-parents..."

"oh..." i said regretfully "well im sorry for your loss, tanjiro"

"oh, no! it fine really! its not like you have any reason to apologize! but any way... are you from here?"

"no, im from yokohama, not a big city like tokyo"

"oh! i see! so why did you come here?"

"my parents wanted to move because my dad got fired from his job, and they had hear that tokyo had a lot of great job opportunity's, were are you from tanjiro?"

just as he was about to answer, that little shit tokito came up to tanjiro and started to talk to him.

"what are doing over hear with the loser? a pretty boy like you should come sit with me." he said as he inched closer with every word. i was shocked, i have never seen such blatant act from tokito him self, well, unless he was insulting someone, but FLIRTING! never!

"o-oh, umm..." it was clear he didn't know how to respond, so i responded for him. 

"you're one to talk, all you do is banter about how 'great' you are". tokito was clearly upset about my little comment and grabbed tanjiro by his arm and started to drag him away, i immediately got up and grabbed ahold of his other arm and started to pull, but tokito wouldn't let go!

"let go!" he yelled. 

"no way! idiot!

"STOP!!" Tanjiro yelled. as we both looked at him, we immediately let go, shocked at the tears in his eyes and how red his face was from embarrassment, it was then that we realized that the whole cafeteria was staring at us, whispering. i felt horrible. and to top it all off, tanjiros arms were now all bruised up with red hand marks with how hard we were pulling him. tokito also looked quite dumbfounded and ashamed of how he acted, probably for the first time in his life.

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