''An Heartfelt Odyssey''

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In the heart of a bustling college campus, there was a young man named Jack. Jack seemed to be an ordinary guy in many ways, but he had an extraordinary capacity to love. He came from a well-off and well-behaved family, Jack was determined to carve his own path and prove his worth without relying on his family's name or resources. His heart was filled with kindness, good manners, and an unwavering commitment to self-reliance. Despite numerous opportunities, Jack's heart was unwaveringly set on one person, Sarah. A longtime acquaintance, it was only when they crossed paths in college that their connection ignited. Sarah, on the other hand, was the kind of woman who drew attention effortlessly. Her intelligence, wit, and mesmerizing beauty were a trifecta that left many in awe. Jack, however, was different. While he was pursued by many, he found himself ignoring the advances of other girls. His heart belonged to Sarah, and nothing could sway his devotion. Their paths first crossed in a sparkling pool, where they were mere children. It was a hot summer day, and the local pool was the perfect escape. Jack and Sarah were strangers back then, both too young to remember much about the other. But there was a fleeting interaction, a shared smile, a splash, and a shared laugh. For Jack, it was a moment etched in his memory, a connection he never forgot. Fast forward to their college years, and Jack found himself sharing a campus with Sarah. While she had no recollection of that childhood encounter at the pool, Jack remembered it clearly. He couldn't help but feel that this chance meeting was destiny playing its hand. That early interaction had left an indelible mark on him, and it was a memory he cherished. But as much as Jack had turned away others for the chance to be near Sarah, he couldn't help but notice that Sarah had a slew of admirers herself. Her magnetic presence in college was undeniable, and the truth was, Jack wasn't the only one who felt captivated by her. Yet, despite her numerous admirers, it was Jack who held a special place in her life. Though he had known Sarah for a long time, it was only during their college years that they began to truly connect. The spark between them was undeniable. They discovered that they had much in common, and their connection grew stronger with every conversation. Jack longed for her presence, and his feelings for her only grew stronger as time went by. However, the more he fell in love with Sarah, the more insecure he became. He couldn't shake the doubt that perhaps he wasn't deserving of her attention. His worries led to a few small miscommunication issues. In the beginning, their text messages could be awkward, Jack reading into every word and emoticon, analyzing them like a cryptic code. Yet, they persevered, and their connection deepened. They shared their dreams, hopes, and secrets, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. A bus journey during a college field trip became a memorable milestone. Jack found himself sitting next to Sarah, and they shared stories, laughter, and even a few moments of silence that spoke volumes. It was a journey etched in their memories, a moment when Jack wished he could stop time and live within those moments forever. However, despite his insecurities, Jack was never jealous of Sarah's popularity. He never let negative emotions cloud their connection. He admired her from a distance when she was with her other friends and admirers. The moments he felt sad were when he questioned if he could ever truly win her heart. Their connection continued to evolve, and even after a year of texting, Jack couldn't help but confess his love, an outpouring of emotions that had been building within him. He decided to lay his heart bare, a phone call on the eve of a new year becoming the turning point. "Sarah," he confessed, "I've known you for a long time now, and I've come to realize that I love you, more than I've ever loved anyone. You're special to me in a way I can't even put into words. I just needed to let you know how I feel. "Sarah listened in silence on the other end of the line. The silence was deafening, and Jack's heart sank. He had bared his soul, yet her response was inscrutable. Days turned into weeks, and still, Sarah's feelings remained a mystery. They continued to meet, but the tension between them grew palpable. Their conversations became awkward, as if there was an unspoken question lingering in the air. They communicated more through text messages and chat, where Jack found solace in expressing his feelings. Sarah was more open in writing, and the two of them built a deep emotional connection through their messages. Yet, in person, it was like a wall of uncertainty and unease stood between them. Jack, despite his insecurity, saw himself as a high-value man. He was kind, thoughtful, and genuine in his affection for Sarah. He showered her with attention, love, and admiration, but he had always been unsure of how Sarah felt about him, which gnawed at his heart and left him in a constant state of unease. One day, as they sat in a cozy canteen, their hands brushing occasionally, Jack couldn't hold back any longer. "Sarah," he said with a quiver in his voice, "I want to know where we stand. I've laid my feelings bare, but you've never really told me how you feel about me. Do you love me, too? "Sarah looked at him, and her eyes were filled with a mixture of emotions—fondness, regret, and a touch of sadness. "Jack," she began, "I do care about you, more than I can express. You're an incredible person, and I value our connection deeply. But I'm afraid to label my feelings as love. I'm not sure what love means to me right now." Jack nodded, understanding that Sarah was going through her own journey of self-discovery. "I appreciate your honesty, Sarah," he replied. "I just want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter where this path leads us. You mean a lot to me. "As time went on, their bond continued to evolve. They weren't a couple in the traditional sense, but their connection was undeniable. The uncertainty that once tormented Jack began to ebb away, replaced by a sense of contentment in knowing that they were on a unique journey together. Jack was patient and understanding, and Sarah appreciated his unwavering support. They cherished the connection they had built, regardless of whether it was labeled as love or friendship. The bond they shared, nurtured through their chats and occasional meetings, was something they both held dear. The journey was filled with twists and turns, moments of joy and challenge. Through it all, Jack's unwavering devotion and Sarah's introspection created a unique love story, a testament to the complexities and beauty of human emotions. Their connection, nurtured through time and patience, was a love story that defied easy definitions, a journey of two souls uncertain yet content, walking hand in hand into the unknown.

Gut-wrenching moments yet to be added in the main story:

With the feelings of despair, anger, love in melancholy he yelled..
Yes I did not!....I wanted to brush your hair, hold your hand, know how your day went, kiss you goodnight, caress your cheeks, see you smile, wanted to be your first and last thought everyday, support you throughout the struggles, adore you throughout the time....I wanted you to own me with every single cell you have....and yet I never wanted to be your stupid boyfriend!
He proclaimed...and sat down as she watched him in silence with a heavy heart, tears starting to roll over her face and she said I

He kept staring at that "You don't care" text...not knowing what to respond....because he actually never did...she was in pensive sadness and he was puzzled 

He burned with passion for her love, but she left him unattended, and now he smolders in agony

The pain is was not  due to her. She probably was not worth it. It is all due to the fact how my delusion of who she was getting scattered by the reality of who she actually is.

After that fight he began to realize that it was just an emotional addiction to her pattern of inconsistent affection and attention....he did not feel the love.

As thoughts of her returned , akin to moon returning sky every night...he realized it "never ended....because there was no beginning to end it".

".....and they happily lived ever after, yet again... just in his fantasy world." And with a bittersweet sigh, he ended the book, knowing that their story would forever dance within the realms of his mind.

Deciding to put himself to sleep, He said to himself, "In the ocean of my memories, she'll be remembered as a wave" .

Yes I physically love her....Her hands that run through my hair...her eyes that shine bright, like the stars in the sky.....her lips that carry the happiest smile, lighting up my world...her short and soft hair shining through the sun light....her tender cheeks...inviting for a peck...her breath, that reminds me of my restless my mind about her...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 30 ⏰

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