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Note: they fought in the outer space.

The gods are supposed to be restricted by the laws of the universe that the other gods have dominion. Like how a god of water can't interfere with the law of time unless the god of time allows it.

But he is an exception...

He is the god freedom,in other words he has the ability to interfere with the laws with his own will.

Due to this reason, some gods are jealous,angry, annoyed, and envious of him that led those gods to the decision to kill him.

He was a powerful god. Even if hundreds of gods will work together just to take his life is not enough.

He fought...

And fought

And fought those gods to the best of his abilities.

But in the end...

He lost.

There was just too many gods that made him exhausted, and his arrogance brought him his downfall.

Just when he was about to die by hands of his furious enemies, he used his last strength to cast a single spell.

He knew that he can't escape the eyes of these gods even if he escapes so by the time he fought those transcendents, he found an answer to his problem.


The only way to avoid their eyes is to escape in another universe.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into nothingness.

The gods screamed in madness as they saw him escaped from their hands. All of them knew that they can't follow him since they are bound by rules of the universe...

And he is the only one who can defy this rules...

Because he...

Is the god of freedom.

The fallen god Where stories live. Discover now