chapter 2

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The Scorpions' plan was to overthrow the SandWing queen, Blaze, and take over the desert. They believed that Blaze was a weak and incompetent ruler, who cared more about her own comfort than the welfare of her subjects. They also hated how she favored the pure-blooded SandWings over the hybrids and other tribes who lived in the desert. They wanted to create a new order, where everyone would be equal and free.

Frost was shocked by this revelation. He had never cared much about politics or royalty, but he knew that attacking a queen was a dangerous and treasonous act. He also felt uneasy about killing or hurting innocent dragons, even if they were from a different tribe. He wondered if he should go along with the Scorpions' plan, or try to stop them.

He decided to talk to his best friend in the group, a SkyWing-RainWing hybrid named Flare. Flare was a cheerful and optimistic dragon, who always made Frost laugh and feel better. He had a bright red and orange scales, and a pair of colorful wings that could change color according to his mood. He also had a knack for inventing gadgets and weapons, using the scraps and junk he found in the Scorpion Den.

Frost found Flare in his workshop, tinkering with a metal contraption that looked like a crossbow. "Hey, Flare," Frost said, "can I talk to you for a minute?"

Flare looked up and smiled. "Sure, Frost. What's up?"

Frost hesitated, then said, "What do you think of the Scorpions' plan? To attack Blaze and take over the desert?"

Flare shrugged. "I think it's awesome. Don't you?"

Frost shook his head. "No, I don't. I think it's wrong."

Flare frowned. "Why? Blaze is a terrible queen. She doesn't deserve to rule. The Scorpions are doing the right thing."

Frost sighed. "But what about the other dragons? The ones who live in the desert and follow Blaze? They're not all bad. They don't deserve to die or suffer."

Flare snorted. "They're not our problem. They're our enemies. They've always treated us like dirt. Why should we care about them?"

Frost felt a pang of sadness. He realized that Flare didn't share his views or values. He wondered if he ever really knew him at all.

He said, "Flare, I can't do this. I can't be part of this plan. I'm sorry."

Flare's eyes widened. "What? You're backing out? You're betraying us?"

Frost shook his head again. "No, I'm not betraying you. I'm just following my heart."

Flare glared at him. "Your heart is weak, Frost. You're a coward and a traitor."

He reached for his crossbow and aimed it at Frost.

Frost gasped and backed away.

He said, "Flare, don't do this. Please."

Flare pulled the trigger.

A metal bolt flew out of the crossbow and hit Frost in the chest.

Frost felt a sharp pain and fell to the ground.

He looked at Flare with disbelief and hurt.

He said, "Flare... why?"

Flare spat on him.

He said, "You're no friend of mine, Frost. You're no Scorpion."

He turned around and walked away.

Frost lay on the floor, bleeding and dying.

He felt cold and alone.

He closed his eyes and wished he had never left the Night Kingdom.

A/N 518 words

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