Doo doo doo sexy kidnap

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You watched Pink fongs baby shark since you were younger now you go to the sexy communist country china to meet him-.

Your name POV:

Finally I've made it to the sexy communist country known as China cause America Sucks like decapitated ball sacks with baby rats tied to them. As I was walking through I saw Diesel patches cumming lava.

Baby sharks POV:

I was sexually getting ready to perform so I shaved all my pubic hair and now it looks like a heart that says wanna get pregnant. My family are retarded thinking I'm still young and babying me. "I'M NOT A DAMN BABY MOM!!" I screamed then I shoved a dildo in my mother's vagina.

-hours later at the performance-

Baby Sharks POV:

I was singing the same song for the 66666666666666666th time. But as I looked at the crowd I saw a sexy person~

Baby shark then kidnaps you after the show....

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